
* EDUCATION: Graham calls public education...

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Graham calls public education “the best investment in the future”

of the country. But he also points out that, compared to other

countries, the educational system in America is “an embarrassment.”

He notes that the country is 57th out of 160 countries in terms of

educational expenditures as a percentage of gross national product

and that 17 countries have longer school years than America’s public

schools. Higher pay for teachers is one solution he advocates, as

well as suggesting the teacher’s unions vote down tenure in return

for better wages.


Graham points out that most voters in the 48th Congressional

District are opposed to an El Toro airport. His suggestion: using

part of Camp Pendleton for an international airport that would serve

both Orange and San Diego counties.


Simple, Graham says. “Trade creates peace.” He advocates opening

up trade restrictions with Iran and Cuba and giving the president

“fast track” trade authority to ease trade deals. He also believes

that the more the country can do to promote information abroad, the

better. Televisions and satellite dishes should be given out to

trouble spots across the globe, from Cuba to Iraq.


Over the next decade, Graham says, Social Security needs to be

maintained at current levels, including cost of living adjustments.

He also backs small increases in Medicare subscription drug

allocations, if the funding comes from savings elsewhere.
