
Writing so good you can taste it


We are now going to explore a section of our library where you can

almost taste the books: the cookbook section.

I suggest that if you enjoy cooking, grab a nearby table and chair

and relax, you’ll probably be here awhile. Warning: Never try this on

an empty stomach.

You will find every conceivable ethnic cooking technique from

Britain to Peru to Turkey.

Then there are the current classics such as “The Joy of Cooking”

and “Betty Crocker’s Cookbook.”

Also featured are recipe books from famous chefs and restaurants,

such as the Baywolf restaurant in Oakland, Wolfgang Puck’s Spargo,

Chimos on Main, Postrio, Eureka and Granita restaurants, Jacques

Pepins and, of course, Julia Child.

Consider the following samplers of comfort food cooking:

“The Daily Soup Cookbook” by Leslie Kauland Bob Spiegel, featuring

every type of soup you could imagine, and then some.

“Bugialle on Pasta” by Ginliano Bugialle, with photographs and

exotic fun recipes, check out pasta alla Boscaiola, Page 148.

“Chili Nation” by Jane and Michael Stern, with recipes from every

state in the nation.

“Stews” by Lora Brody, a William-Sonoma cookbook with creative

recipes and great photographs. Check out beef stew in a pumpkin, Page

