
Gil Coerper: The city’s budget is key issue


Name: Gil Coerper

Age: 68

Occupation: Retired Huntington Beach Police officer

Family: Wife of 29 years, Louann; two sons, Scott and Michael.

Community Activities: West Point Military Academy admissions

officer; Boy Scouts of America advisor; logistics officer for

California Peace Officers Memorial.

Education: Associate’s from Golden West College; bachelor’s from

Cal State Long Beach.


* City Council districts

Undecided at the present time. In the past, five districts did not

properly represent the citizenry.

* Proposition 50

I am opposed to using public money to purchase the mesa because

this could only mean an increase in our taxes to finance the

purchase. I would rather obtain the money for our own infrastructure

to make the city a safer place to live in.

* Development

There is a fine line between

new development and open areas for the enjoyment of all. We need

to encourage developers to come to the city, to build structures to

promote outside tourism.

* Water quality

Water quality is an issue that must be addressed with the Orange

County Sanitation District. They must be held accountable for their

actions or lack of action.

* Biggest issue facing Huntington Beach

The budget for the city. We are going to be spending 30% of the

budget on capital project expenditures. The infrastructure of the

city must be maintained and improved.
