
Basketball tryouts to be held

Tryouts for youngsters interested in playing basketball for Laguna

Beach’s All-Net National Junior Basketball teams will be held at

Laguna Beach High’s Dugger Gym the first two Sundays in October.

The All-Net teams are open to boys and girls in third through

eighth grade.

The first tryout session, slated for Oct. 6, will run between 6-7

p.m., for boys and girls in third through fifth grade.

On Sunday, Oct. 13, the second tryout will run between 6-7 p.m.

for boys and girls in sixth through eighth grade.

The Laguna Beach All-Net NJB teams are All-star level teams that

will compete against teams from various Southern California cities in

the upcoming season.

Players must be Laguna Beach residents.

For more information, call Bill Witte in the evening at (949)

