
Three-peated lessons

Deirdre Newman

Erin Brown, 27, knows a thing or two about setting goals. While

one of her first goals as a child -- to be the first woman in the NBA

-- didn’t pan out, the petite Brown did manage to play in the WNBA

for a season.

After accomplishing that goal, she set out and attained a new one

-- to become a firefighter.

On Wednesday, Brown and two other firefighters spoke to students

at Harbor View Elementary School in Newport Beach to help kick off

the school’s annual campaign -- “Sail Away with the Three R’s,” or

readiness, responsibility and respect.

Brown encouraged the students to start getting ready for their

future by setting goals.

“They can change as you grow up, but it’s important that you set

goals and work toward achieving them.”

The firefighters talked about the three R’s, how they relate to

their job and why they are so important in school.

“You need to respect your teachers,” said Tim Clark, a Downey

firefighter whose wife teaches third grade at the school. “If you

respect them, they’ll try to give you all the knowledge they can.”

The school has been conducting the Three R’s campaign for many

years, said new principal Mellissia Christensen, so the assembly is

more of a review. This year, school staff thought inviting

firefighters to deliver the review would have a significant impact

because of their heroic status after Sept. 11, Christensen said.

They were right.

“I thought [they were] very good points of view that kids can do

all these things to be respectful in their classes and it shows the

younger kids how to be respectful and responsible when they get

older,” said sixth-grader Leslee Kaczmerek, 11.

After discussing the three R’s, the firefighters let three lucky

students try on their turnouts.

Patti Clark said the staff at the school reinforces the three R’s

throughout each day in the classroom, the lunchroom and even when

students use the restrooms.
