
Fourth of July alcohol sales ban doesn’t make sense for Newport

The Fourth of July in Zooport, I mean Newport, has always been a

time for partying, especially along Seashore Drive (“Fourth of July

craziness on council radar,” Wednesday). As long as anyone can

remember, these festivities have always brought problems.

Now there is discussion of not selling alcohol on the Fourth of

July. That has to be the stupidest idea since someone sold Dennis

Rodman a house on Seashore.

First of all, don’t you think that the partyers aren’t already

stocked up or won’t drive to the closest open liquor store? Of course

they are, and they will. The only effect of this stupid idea would be

the increase in alcohol sales tax in surrounding open liquor stores

and markets while penalizing the local ones. Not selling alcohol on

the Fourth of July doesn’t make any rational sense at all.

Another stupid idea is mandating property owners not to rent for

the summer but only on an annual basis, or sell to new owners that

would occupy the property.

First of all, a lot of property was bought just for the economics

and profitability of summer rentals. So the City Council wants to

tell property owners what to do with their property?

I’m sure the $90,643 cost of police enforcement would pale

compared to what the city of Newport Beach would spend on legal fees

trying to defend itself from the barrage of lawsuits brought by



And excuse me residents who bought their homes in these party

areas: you sure as heck didn’t do your due diligence in researching

the neighborhood you were buying into, did you? Zooport was partying

before you moved in, I would have to bet.

Another really stupid idea is to make certain areas off limits to

everyone but those residents of that area.

Yeah, great. Born and raised in Newport and I can’t even legally

walk along the ocean after 10 p.m. and now I can’t feel free to walk

about on Independence Day? Just great.

I’m sure nobody wants to read about just being negative on this

subject that does hold serious concerns for some residents of West

Newport, so let me venture forth an idea that some may think is

stupid as well.

How about police checkpoints at various locations such as Coast

Highway, Balboa Boulevard and other select locations to look for

intoxicated party revelers, drunk drivers and potential mayhem


After all, I believe that most havoc is wreaked by the

out-of-towners that come down to party for the day in Zooport.

* PAUL JAMES BALDWIN is a Newport Beach resident.
