
Decision time on surplus property The...

Decision time on

surplus property

The Huntington Beach Union High School District Board of Trustees

is asking for public comment regarding the disposal of surplus

property owned by the district.

The District Advisory Committee, which is appointed by the board

of trustees, is in charge of disposing of the district’s surplus

property. The main topic of discussion at its meeting will be the

property at Yorktown Avenue and Main Street. The district may develop

the site, which is currently occupied by the district’s maintenance

and transportation yard.

The public is invited to attend the meeting on Friday, Sept. 13 at

1:30 p.m. at the district office at 10251 Yorktown Ave.

For more information please call Patricia Koch, assistant

superintendent, Business Services, (714) 964-3339, Ext. 4360.

Golden West and Cal State share libraries

Students at Golden West College and Cal State Long Beach will now

be able to visit each other’s libraries.The two schools recently

finalized a mutual lending agreement that will allow students,

faculty and staff from both campuses to borrow materials from either

library as long as they adhere to library policies and procedures.

Borrowers are expected to return materials directly to the library

that they borrowed from on the due date. Charges will apply if items

are damaged or returned late.

The mutual lending agreement does not include remote access to

electronic databases or course-reserve materials. Students will also

not be allowed to request that materials be put on hold at the other

schools, or request interlibrary loans. They also won’t be able to

access computers that require college student identifications

