
“I’ve spent a great deal of...

“I’ve spent a great deal of time and effort on assisting the

[Bush] administration to help the people of Iraq liberate themselves

from a horrible gangster.”

-- Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Costa Mesa), who was in Russia this

week, on removing Iraq leader Saddam Hussein from power

“Taking back the word is very important; it takes the venom out of


-- Orange County Dyke March organizer Lori Hutson, on the group’s

efforts to end slurs toward and misunderstandings of lesbians and,

particularly, the word “dyke”

“It’s been quite a lifestyle change. You go from living in a place

where you have to worry about things like traffic to living on a

boat, where you have to worry about bears.”

-- Newport Beach resident Melissa Fischer, on sailing around the

world on her 72-foot yacht with husband Chris for their television

show “Offshore Adventures”

“We’re meeting our disinfection goals.”

-- Bob Ooten, the Orange County Sanitation District’s director of

maintenance and operations, on using chlorination to clean up the


“I think we can do a whole lot better.”

-- Costa Mesa Councilman Chris Steel, on replacing a Kohl’s retail

store proposed for the Mesa Verde Shopping Center with something more

recreative, such as a skateboard park

“It’s like a squawk and a high pitch, and he trolls up and down in

front of the houses here. I know he’s calling for her.”

-- Balboa Peninsula resident Gay Wassall-Kelly, on Rupert the

swan, who’s been lonely since mate Pearl suffered a leg injury that

landed her at a wildlife care center

“It’s a miracle she’s with us today.”

-- Amanda Arthur, a Newport Beach coma survivor, on Leilani

Gutierrez, a 4-year-old Costa Mesa girl who, too, emerged from a long

