
WHAT HAPPENED: The City Council approved...


The City Council approved

a joint-use agreement with the Huntington Beach Union High School

district for the sharing of lighted sports fields at Marina High

School for use by youths sport groups. The agreement is still subject

to the final approval of the school board.


If the joint-use agreement is approved by the school board, youth

sports in the city will be given access to the high schools fields.

The school district will continue to pay for normal field

maintenance, but the youth sports groups would fund any extra

maintenance needed so that there isn’t an adverse impact to field

conditions as a result of their extra use. Some of the youth groups

that will use the field include the American Youth Soccer

Organization, Little League and Junior All American Football.


The City Council unanimously agreed to direct the city attorney to

draft an amendment to an ordinance that would change the way that

third parties make campaign contributions to City Council candidates

to use for the production and distribution of slate campaign mailers.


The city attorney will draft an amendment that would require City

Council candidates to pay the entire cost to produce slate campaign

mailers, which take a position on an issue and list candidates who

support it. As it stands now, candidates only pay a portion of the

costs for these mailers. Third parties produce the mailers and

candidates then reimburse the organization or business a percentage

of the cost. The amendment would require that candidates appearing on

the mailers pay for the full cost. If more than one candidate appears

on the mailer each will pay an equal portion of the total cost of the

mailer. The proposed ordinance amendment is similar to a recent

change made by the county.
