
Plan ahead for cooling temps

Now is the time of year to make sure you’ll be warm and cozy by

inspecting and repairing your home heating systems.

For the safety of everyone in your household, call a professional.

To obtain information about professional service providers, call your

energy company.

When preparing an oil furnace for winter, check for air leaks and

clean the filter system. Clean the chimney base and inspect the

safety switches. If you are using a service provider, ask the

inspector to perform instrument tests as well as visual tests.

The inside of the furnace should be vacuumed and the burners

cleaned and adjusted. Check the pilot light and the ignition system.

Make sure the thermocouple is working properly. Take a look at the

draft hood and the base of the chimney.

If you have a hot water heating system that sends heat to a

radiator or convector, check the air pressure inside the expansion

tank. If you have a steam system, check the boiler gauges. Clean the

boiler systems and check for rust. If you have a fireplace or

woodstove heating system, call a chimney sweep to look for cracked


A little preparation now will keep you cozy in the coming winter

