
Clinic doesn’t belong on Westside

I feel that the children need the medical care that the CHOC

clinic would provide, but I guess I am a NIMBY (not in my backyard).

I do not want a free clinic in my backyard for many reasons. Some

of the main reasons are that this would cause a lot of foot and

automobile traffic in a residential neighborhood, and would attract

many children from other cities to come to Costa Mesa.

We already have many here who cannot afford to live in Costa Mesa,

but they come here and live here, with many families in one small

apartment or house in order to be able to afford the rent. The main

reasons they come to Costa Mesa is the free food, clothing and health

care they receive here. As you well know, almost all of the charities

are on the Westside of the city and we do not need or want any more.

All of the people I have heard about that support the CHOC clinic

do not live here on the Westside. If I did not live on the Westside,

then maybe I too would support it. It is time for the Westside to be

redeveloped and brought up to the standard that it deserves. The

Westside has the potential to be the best part of the city.

So, I would suggest that if you truly want to build the CHOC

clinic, you select a site other than a residential neighborhood and

also not on the Westside of the city.


Costa Mesa

First, the race card was played when anyone decried the changing

demographics caused by illegal immigrants. Now it is the “for the

children” card being played against anyone who is against the CHOC

center at Rea Elementary School. And we are told we need to “embrace

the changing demographics regardless of legality” ( this straight

from a sitting council member).

Implied is that the Third Worlding of the Westside needs to become

an accepted fact of life. Enough is enough. Would it be too

mean-spirited to suggest that the freebies being handed out on the

Westside are one cause of the large number of children in need

congregating there? Comparable to how feeding pigeons causes an

escalating demand for food from more and more pigeons.

Perhaps a counseling center that teaches that having children you

cannot afford to care for (which is in itself a cruel act against

children) is a better plan for the area. This message is definitely

not getting out. Observe the pedestrian base on the Westside for

proof. Two youngsters in tow, one on the way and one in a stroller

seems to be the norm. I know no one is supposed to mention this, that

it is somehow taboo to notice this. I believe the financial and

transportation barriers to health care and meals for seniors should

be a priority.


Costa Mesa

Regarding “Health of the children matters most” (Community

Commentary, Saturday): How much does Dr. Geeta Grover make a year?

Where does she live? Will she work for free at the proposed CHOC

clinic in Costa Mesa? Will she move next door to the clinic?

Residents of Costa Mesa, and especially of the Westside, are

getting fed up with holier-than-thou types telling the Westside that

this or that charity is for the children. If Grover wants to be a

missionary, jump on a plane and travel to the Third World. She

shouldn’t bring the Third World here so she can live out a Mother

Teresa fantasy at the expense of the Westside, while she lives a life

of luxury far away from the social problems that this clinic will

help increase.


Costa Mesa
