
Press officer doesn’t answer questions In...

Press officer doesn’t answer questions

In a half-page pronouncement with a huge picture yet (much larger

than the original one), the Newport Beach Police Department press

officer, Sgt. Steve Shulman, took exception to Gregory Haidl’s

lawyer, Joseph Cavallo, using the word “pillage” in reference to the

investigation of the case (Community Commentary, “Attorney’s comments

are inaccurate,” July 23). It bespeaks “me thinks thou dost protest

too much.”

I mean, get real. We’ve all heard or read much worse comments than

this puff in relation to police actions without even an eyebrow being


After going through a dozen paragraphs explaining search warrants,

judicial processes, etc. (all irrelevant) and the

“reckless/slanderous” use of the word “pillage” -- the question of

why Haidl’s house was the only one searched twice still did not get



Newport Beach

Performers can replace committee

Regarding the recent and continuing controversies about the Costa

Mesa Human Relations Committee, I have a solution to offer.

Thanks to Lolita Harper’s suggestion in a column (Reporter’s

Notebook, “Sometimes, reporters just have to get involved,” July 26),

we recently attended the performance of Ronnie and the Classics at

the park, where we, and several hundred Costa Mesa residents were

treated to a wonderful array of nostalgic music.

As wannabe politicians wandered around trying to work the crowd,

the dance floor in front of the stage was packed with people -- young

and old, tall and short, etc. -- all movin’ and groovin’ to songs

from times gone by. Meanwhile, several hundred onlookers who perched

on chairs or sprawled on blankets on the grass sang along, tapped

their toes, clapped their hands and slapped their thighs to the music

as the sun set over the Santa Ana River. It was a terrific evening of

fun and fellowship.

So, let’s eliminate all the controversy surrounding the Costa Mesa

Human Relations Committee by simply disbanding it and, in its place,

bring back Ronnie and the Classics for frequent visits. From what I

saw that night, this would do more to bring our community together

than the Human Relations Committee has accomplished in 15 years.


Costa Mesa
