South Coast Swim Conference Finals (at...
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South Coast Swim Conference Finals
(at El Toro High)
Girls 6 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV, (Jules Pouch, Jenna
Funsten, Regina Scholey, Mackenzie Carpenter), 1:32.71; 2. GV, (
Sonia Djafr, Jennifer Schulman, Jamie Dang, Jordyn Sanchez) 1.35.73;
3. LF II (Katy Fortier, Cassie Roberts, Kera Kwan, Delaney Riley)
1:45.85; 4. NH (Lauren Hewitt, Brynn Motal, Lauren Dean, Brianna
Daboub) 1:49.07; 5. PS (Biana Mills, Kelly White, Hailey McBride,
Madison Hauss) 1:50.49; 6. GB (Olivia Reis, MacKenzie Cerda, Melissa
Germundsen, Lindsey Rezac) 1:53.84.
Boys 6 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Timmy Strader, Ricky
Zak, Tommy Brooks, Brett Schisler), 1:34.70; 2. GB (Connor Gordon,
Jacob Roque, Gordi Grigus, Tyler Pennella), 1:46.93; 3. LF (Will
Giovinazzo, Tyler Richard, Kyle McDonald, Jacob Dentici), 1:47.59; 4.
NH ( Kyle Cousens, Bo St. Geme, Jeff Johnston, Ian Givant), 1:48.58;
5. GV (Cole Ekman, Aaron Stark, Dillon Morley, Hayden Rahman),
1:51.72; 6. PS (Jarrett Tossey, Stephen Marcin, Joe Menke, Dylan
Walter), 2:14.57.
Mixed 6 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Charlie Rodosky,
Jim Berry, Kaden Ebbinga, Tori English), 1:48.56; 2. GV (Michael
Querry, Hunter Mager, Sky Roman . Becca Frankeny), 2:11.24; 3. PS
(Chasen Dunk, Natalie May, Lucy Hall, Samantha Goodman), 2:13.72; 4.
GB (Amber Bragdon, Rachael Phillips, Davis Peters, Colin Votendahl),
2:16.58; 5. LF (Ashely Riley, Megan Boyd, Steven O’Sullivan,
Mackenzie Bellamy), 2:19.45; 6. NH (Tanner Milazzo, Danny Robertson,
Matthew Mead, Sabrina Roy) 2:27.08
Girls 7-8 100 Yard Medley Relay - 1. NH (Cassidy Papa, Annie
Tomlin, Hollace Barden, Annie Flynn), 1:17.81; 2. HV (Anna Venturini,
Hannah Rome, Amanda Parrill, Gaby Carpenter) 1:21.22; 3. GV
(Stephanie Strom, Marissa Simoni, Ashlyn Sacchette, Chandler
Ekman),1:21.61; 4. LF (Brooke Wright, Kristin Mather, Pauline Merz,
Summer MacKenzie), 1:22.44; 5. GB (Starla Gordon, Savanna Dunlea,
Stephanie Reza, Brittany Votendahl), 1:28.02; 6. PS (Emily Hall,
Sydney Peterson, Jessica Edwards, Alexandra Goodman), 1:33.10
Boys 7-8 100 Yard Medley Relay - 1. NH ( Anthony Daboub, Taylor
Epp, Benjamin Zepfel, John Swigert), 1:14.40; 2. HV (Brennan
Anderson, Chip Zucker, Daniel Hohl, Matt English), 1:19.23; 3. LF II
(Zachary Nelson, Max Rankin, Eric Silcock, Jordan Terrio), 1:20.40;
4. GV (Nolan Dodge, Kyle Tine, Revell Hyden, Austin Dang), 1:25.64;
5. PS (Daniel Androski, Brent Bazzell, Jachin Hamborg, Kevin
Johnson), 1.25.77; GB (Thomas Snyder, Daniel Elliott, Nolan Moder,
Joshua Cerda) 1:29.15
Mixed 7-8 100 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV ( Josh Giger, Mason Case,
Jake Bandaruk, Sarah Cox), 1:20.64; 2. NH (Nicholas Hanna, Sasha
Hausmann, Dana DeMiranda, Sarah Vale), 1:33.38 3. LF II Dolphins
(Karen Henry, Christopher Trimmer, Hayley Boyd, Tayler Lynch)
1:34.66; 4. GV (Bradie Ekman, Tony Morelli, Nathan Tony Moss, Johann
Joo); 1:39.82; 5. GN (Alys Williams, Jasmine Roque, Madeline Ackley,
Merrik Peters), 1:43.89; 6. PS (Griffin Camps, Natalie McNeely,
Caroline Hunt, Matthew Mills), 1:44.19
Girls 9-10 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Kelsey Larson, Kate
Berry, Kate. Chelsea Giger, Heather Van Hiel, Heather:), 1.06.73; 2.
NH (Krista White, Faith Greiner, Faith , Conley Kipp, Kimberly
Condino), 1:08.46; 3. LF (Amy Marchi, Brianna Mc Cluskey, Sarah
Martin, Brooke Ellison), 1.12.19; 4. GB (Kelly Morris, Kayci Rezac,
Nicole Crain, Paige Haskin), 1:12.23; 5. GV (Kelsey Stewart, Kendra
Suguitan, Cynthia Fascella, Madden Revell), 1:13.32. 6. PS (Katherine
Wichner, Dana Jorgensen, Laura Marcin, Corryne McMullin), 1:17.83
Boys 9-10 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. LF ( Andrew Hoff, Russell
Renteria, Cameron Henry, Chad Mac Donald, Chad), 1:05.79; 2. GV
(Peter Nguyen, Andrew Tran, Nichlolas Ingram, Colin Niselman),
1:06.55; 3. GB (Colin Carroll, Joel Gilbert, Roland Moder, Jonathan
Smith), 1:11.18; 4, HV (Garrett Larson, Austin Allen, Bruce Bearer,
Teddy Bandaruk), 1:13.15; 5. PS (Logan Miller Crew, Jacob Shaver,
Kevin Coleman, Evan Kawahara), 1:19.44; 6. NH (Christohper Robertson,
Miles Carpenter, Austin Jones, Jeff Condino) , 1:20.82
Mixed 9-10 100 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Kate Duddy, Pat
Schoenberg, Sarah Craig, Spencer Haly), 1:14.78; 2. GV (Hannah
Verschueren, Bryant Kalagian, David Self, Shelby Webber) 1:15.32; 3.
LF II (Ryan Derby, Randy Trimmer, Michelle Razavi, Emma Adams),
1:18.05; 4. NH (Katie Matthews, Shari Mead, Devon Greenlee, Mary Kate
Vale), 1:18.66; 5. GB (Paige Grigus, Jamie Froning, Sara Spirk, Alex
Webb), 1:22.98; 6. PS (Megan Tossey, Valerie Peterson, Chappy
Hamborg, Andrew Michalak) 1:26.80
Girls 11-12 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. NH (Katherine Kaczmarek,
Kasey Kipp, Christie Mead, Anna Palchikoff), 2:12.83; 2. LF (Katie
Peterson, Katie Walsh, Andrea Kalsow, Kristen Henry), 2:13.22; 3. GV
(Jaylyn Sacchette, Summer Nguyen, Karen Kitayama, Jourdan Olive),
2:14.13; 4. HV (Michelle Zucker, Melissa Hohl, Sarah Hutchison, Kelli
Feeley), 2:24.49; 5. PS (Lauren Bazzell, Jessie Knight, Jenna
Shively, Megan Duehring), 2:26.61; 6. GB (Brittany Reese, Jeantina
Roque, Allison Ackley, Kim Ludas), 2:42.52
Boys 11-12 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. NH (Patrick White, Mike
Flynn, David Linden, Chris Cottrell), 2:10.53; 2. GV (Dillon Gearin,
Josh Torchia, Adam Gonzales, Jeffrey Dang), 2:14.62; 3. LF (Neal
Duggleby, Kale McCartney, Adam Bandaruk, Steven Donohue) 2:14.68; 4.
HV (Scott Feeley, Tyler Haly, Kevin Cox, Andy Rovzar), 2:32.70; 5. PS
(Parker McMullin, Sterling Foxcroft, Shane Gardner, Stephen Trella),
2:36.79; 6. GB (Joshua Roque, Christopher Tran, Conor Dunlea, Matthew
Livezey, Matthew), 2:52.40
Mixed 11-12 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. NH (Juliane Piggott, Kara
Chatham, Summer Holstein, Whitney Hockinson), 2:28.82; LF (Keith
Silcock, Alicia Bellamy, Ryan Russell, Miles Craig), 2:32.38; 3. GV
(Sara Verschueren, Lewis Castle III, Kelsie Tine, Daniel Querry),
2:36.18; 4. HV (Annie King, Danny Hurst, Benjaman Noe, Elise Molnar),
2:44.62; 5. PS (Jeffrey Hatfield, Catherine Vasquez, Anders Hamborg,
Kevin Camps), 2:48.80
Girls 13-14 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Katie Indvik, Holly Van
Hiel, Cari Levine, Briana Galloway), 2:06.48; 2. GV (Molly Maeda, Amy
Kumamoto, Ashley Andreason, Jennifer Nam), 2:07.83; 3. LF (Tracey
Foss, Samantha Gelberger, Ashley Lamphear, Katelyn Titus), 2:08.21;
4. NHST (Mary Flynn, Alexine Rodenhuis, Megan Spindler, Emily
McAdams), 2:12.02; 5. GB (Katie Flower, Lindsey Alcantara, Lisa O
Toole, Lauren Ackley), 2:22.79
Boys 13-14 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. PS (Nicholas Tossey, Zach
Duehring, Josh Knight, Adam Goodman), 1:51.83; 2. GB (Bryan
Bissonette, Kevin Kuo, Blake Allison, Evan Ocepek), 1:55.94; 3. LF
(Kevin McKenna, Grant Mueller, Erik Sugg, Sam Cushing), 1:59.70; 4.
HV (Tom Money, Jacob Murphy, Marshall Tutton, Tyler Kent), 2:02.10;
5. NH (Dean Pospisil, Scott Sanford, Taylor Storm, Kyle Legrand),
2:02.59; 6. GV (Mark Tran, Rory Asahi, Ken Kitayama, Chris Miller),
Mixed 13-14 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Ryan Hultman, Mike
Brusic, Amy Zucker, Kyle McGhie), 2:15.64; GV (Kaitlin Loukides,
Brianna Baker, Caitlyn Towles, Zachary Sacchette), 2:19.27; 3. LF
(Katy Henry, Shannon Renz, Troy MacDonald, Megan Walsh), 2:23.03; 4.
GB (Jeff Spirk, Allison Rassp, Ryan Haskin, Kristen Schiavoni),
2:32.21; 5. PS (Kyle Traver, Gus Hamborg, Brennen Hatfield, Monica
Olson), 2:34.44
Girls 15-18 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. LF (Megan Duggleby, Brandy
Bandaruk, Lianne Todisco, Kalin McKenna), 2:02.52; 2. GV (Brittany
Thornback, Stephanie Morgan, Rachel Vrooman, Simone Morelli),
2:07.41; 3. NH (Florentine Rodenhuis, Julie Mendelson, Lauren Powers,
Lauren McAdams), 2:07.75; 4. PS (Rachel Arnold, Erika Jorgensen,
Michaela Miller Crew, Kim Abbascia), 2:09.21; 5. HV (Alexa Miller,
Lauren Indvik, Rachel Colgate, Maggie Nelson), 2:12.50; 6. GB (Andrea
Schiavoni, Megan Flower, Diana Kopasek, Jeanna Shipley), 2:35.44
Boys 15-18 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Bryan Buhagiar, Marcello
Pantuliano, John Money, Ryan Moore), 1:50.24; 2. PS (Ryan Traver,
Charles Arnold, Jake Duehring, Andrew Schneider), 1:50.74; 3. LF II
(Miles Sonnenfeld, Michael Fessenden, Nick Chambers, Robby Garcia),
1:51.49; 4. GV (Brian Schwartz, Chris Nguyen, Kyle Celinder, Danny
Asahi), 1:52.77; 5.GB (Gregory O Toole, Joey Koller-Nielsen, Steve
Egner, Mathew Garcia), 1:53.51; 6. NH (Alex Swigert, Kyle Tomlin,
Tyler Brundage, Evan Zepfel), 2:26.95
Mixed 15-18 200 Yard Medley Relay - 1. HV (Walker Russell, Jackie
Colgate, Ryan Casserly, Brian Feeley) 2:09.37. 2. LF II (Tim Renden,
Kristin Goodwin, Riva Garcia, Loren Garcia), 2:11.06; 3. GV (Nikki
Maeda, Anita Russell, Katie Dutcher, Greg Marecek), 2:12.64
Girls 6 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle - 1. Jules Pouch, (HV), 17.42;
2. Jamie Dang, (GV), 17.91; 3. Regina Scholey, (HV), 19.57; Others:
5. Mackenzie Carpenter, (HV), 21.15; 6. Lauren Dean, (NH), 21.67; 13.
Brianna Daboub, (NH), 24.54; 16. Cassidy Carroll, (NH), 28.38
Boys 6 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle - 1. Tommy Brooks, (HV) 19.16; 2.
Kyle Cousens, (NH), 19.47; 3. Gordi Grigus, (GB), 19.74; Others: 5.
Brett Schisler, (HV) 20.49; 8. Jeff Johnston, (NH), 20.85; 11. Liam
Karas, (HV), 21.55, 14. Ian Givant, (NH), 22.67;
Girls 7-8 25 Yard Freestyle - 1. Brooke Wright, (LF), 15.60; 2.
Stephanie Strom, (GV), 16.38; 3. Hollace Barden, (NH), 16.70; 4. Niki
Zak, (HV), 16.87; Others: 6. Delaney Pouch, (HV), 16.94; 12. Annie Flynn, (NH), 18.26; 13. Madison Grant, (NH), 18.49; 14. Gaby
Carpenter, (HV), 18. 61
Boys 7-8 25 Yard Freestyle - 1. John Swigert, (NH), 15.20; 2. Matt
Berry, (HV), 15.23; 3. Matt English, (HV), 16.19 Others: 4. Chip
Zucker, (HV), 16.91; 12. Blake Motal, (NH), 18.71; 13. Richie Barden,
(NH), 19.08
Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle - 1. Heather Van Hiel, (HV), 29.91; 2
Kate Berry, (HV), 32.29; 3. Madden Revell, (GV), 32.34; Others: 4.
Kelli Feeley, (HV), 32.49; 5. Kimberly Condino, (NH), 32.95; 6.
Krista White, (NH), 33.55; 11. Erin McAdams, (NH), 34.52
Boys 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle - 1. John David Marcin, (PS), 28.87;
2. Cameron Henry, (LF), 29.67; 3. Nicholas Ingram, (GV), 30.56. 3.
David Guibord, (HV), 30.56. Others: 9. Teddy Bandaruk, (HV), 34.96;
10. Bruce Bearer, (HV), 35.13; 12. Austin Jones, (NH), 35.25; 17.
Matt Livingston, (NH), 42.43; 18. Miles Carpenter, (NH), 45.27
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle - 1. Andrea Kalsow, (LF), 28.86; 2.
Katherine Kaczmarek, (NH), 29.29; 3. Jourdan Olive, (GV), 29.44;
Others: 9. Anna Palchikoff, (NH), 31.10; 10. AmandaNickel, (HV),
31.96; 11. Whitney Hockinson, (NH), 32.18; 12. Elise Molnar, (HV),
32.21; 16. McKenna Caskey, (HV), 34.62
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle - 1. Patrick White, (NH), 26.01; 2.
Troy Edwards, (PS), 27.26; 3. Steven Donohue, (LF), 27.27. Others: 7.
Andy Rovzar, (HV), 32.84; 8. Tyler Haly, (HV), 33.01; 9. Kyle Tomlin,
(NH), 33.09; 10. Evan Zepfel, (NH), 33.37; 14. Scott Feeley, (HV),
Girls 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle - 1. Ashely Chandler, (HV), 58.34;
Jennifer Nam, (GV), 58.95; 3. Tracey Foss, (LF), 59.15; Others: 5.
Cari Levine, (HV), 1:02.94; 10. Alexine Rodenhuis, (NH), 1:05.94; 11.
Emily McAdams, (NH), 1:06.70; 12. Amy Zucker, (HV), 1:09.43; 15.
Jenna Morris, (NH), 1:11.17
Boys 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle - 1. Adam Goodman, (PS), 55.56; 2.
Scott Sanford, (NH), 56.25; 3. Daniel Morris, (GB), 56.37; 4. Blake
Schoenberg, (HV), 57.25; Others: 9. Tyler Kent, (HV), 59.76; 10. Tom
Money, (HV), 1:00.66; 16. Kyle Legrand, (NH), 1:06.44; 18. Nicholas
Leonard, (NH), 1:14.33
Girls 15-18 100 Yard Freestyle - 1. Lianne Todisco, (LF), 58.49;
2. Simone Morelli, (GV), 59.70; 3. Rachell Gergen, (PS), 1:00.22;
Others: 5. Lauren McAdams, (NH), 1:00.94; 12. Alexa Miller, (HV),
1:04.49; 14. Rachel Colgate, (HV), 1:07.11; 16. Maggie Nelson, (HV),
1:08.55; 17. Kessa Palchikoff, (NH), 1:14.01; 18. Katy Tomlin, (NH),
Boys 15-18 100 Yard Freestyle - 1. Matthew Garcia, (GB), 51.14; 2.
Michael Fessenden, (LF), 52.15; 3. John Money, (HV), 52.56; Others:
6. Sean McGhie, (HV), 53.46; 7. Bryan Buhagiar (HV), 53.77;
Girls 6 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Jules Pouch, (HV),
27.26; 2. Jennifer Schulman, (GV), 27.83; 3. Melissa Germundsen,
(GB), 28.06; 4. Jenna Funsten, (HV), 28.32; 5. Emily Meckler, (HV),
28.72; Others: 8. Lauren Hewitt, (NH), 29.89; 9. Brianna Daboub,
(NH), 30.16; 12. Brynn Motal, (NH), 32.32
Boys 6 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Ricky Zak, (HV), 26.56;
2. Connor Gordon, (GB), 29.23; 3. Tyler Richard, (LF), 29.27; Others:
6. Zachary Balden, (HV), 30.67; 7. Jim Berry, (HV), 31.25; 11. Bo St.
Geme, (NH), 32.82; 14. Brett Greenlee, (NH), 37.18; 15. Matthey Mead,
(NH), 37.86
Girls 7-8 25 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Annie Tomlin, (NH), 21.33; 2.
Niki Zak, (HV), 21.98; 3. Caroline Larsen, (NH), 22.81; Others: 7.
Hannah Rome, (HV), 23.81; 8. Anna Venturini, (HV), 23.84; 12. Sasha
Hausmann, (NH), 25.091
Boys 7-8 25 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Taylor Epp, (NH), 21.64; 2.
Mason Case, (HV), 22.43; 3. Stephen Kipp, (NH), 22.53; 4. Chip
Zucker, (HV), 22.60 Others: 10. Daniel Hohl, (HV), 24.78; 17. Richie
Barden, (NH), 28.12
Girls 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Kelsey Larson, (HV), 39.44;
2. Kathryn Conner, (HV), 42.36; 2. Kate Berry, (HV), 42.36; Others:
6. Faith Greiner, (NH) 43.47; 8. Lauren Tolfa, (NH), 44.36; 11. Katie
DeMiranda, (NH), 44.93
Boys 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke - 1. John David Marcin, (PS),
36.91; 2. Lyndon Tran, (GV), 40.18; 3. Russell Renteria, (LF), 40.52;
4. Garrett Larson (HV), 42.31; Others: 6. Alec Wilson, (HV), 43.12;
7. Austin Allen, (HV), 43.55; 15. Miles Carpenter, (NH), 56.69; 16.
Jeff Condino, (NH), 58.35
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Jessie Knight, (PS), 35.59;
2. Kasey Kipp, (NH), 35.97; 3. Sarah Day, (GB), 36.35; Others: 6.
Juliane Piggott, (NH), 37.21; 9. Melissa Hohl, (HV), 40.77; 11. Kara
Chatham, (NH), 41.26; 12. Lindsey Galloway, (HV), 42.38; 13. Melissa
Manni, (HV), 43.42
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Jeffrey Dang, (GV), 34.31; 2.
Troy Edwards, (PS), 36.15; 3. Josh Torchia,(GV), 36.98; Others: 8.
Mike Flynn, (NH), 41.73; 10. Evan Zepfel, (NH), 42.33; 12. Tyler
Haly, (HV), 42.80; 14. Kyle Tomlin, (NH), 44.76; 15. Andew Nickel,
(HV), 45.52; 16. Danny Hurst, (HV), 46.40
Girls 13-14 50 Yard Breaststroke
1. Katie Indvik, (HV), 33.34; 2. Holly Van Hiel, (HV), 34.57; 3.
Samantha Gelberger, (LF), 35.53; Others: 4. Alexine Rodenhuis, (NH),
35.54; 6. Briana Galloway, (HV), 37.52; 7. Paige O’Brien, (NH),
38.14; 11. Caitlyn Czisny, (NH), 40.15
Boys 13-14 50 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Zach Duehring, (PS), 30.23;
2. Grant Mueller, (LF), 32.42; 3, Kevin Kuo, (GB), 32.97; Others: 6.
Jacob Murphy, (HV), 34.49; 8. Jamie Kline, (HV), 35.02; 10. Ryan
Kent, (HV), 35.77; 16. Nicholas Leonard, (NH), 48.00
Girls 15-18 50 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Brandy Bandaruk, (LF),
35.78; 2. Lauren Indvik, (HV), 36.19; 3. Kristen Goodwin, (LF),
36.52; Others: 5. Julie Mendelson, (NH), 36.57; 6. Florentine
Rodenhuis, (NH), 36.77; 13. Katy Tomlin, (NH), 39.35; 14. Jackie
Colgate, (HV), 40.24; 15. Whitney Caskey, (HV), 40.30
Boys 15-18 50 Yard Breaststroke - 1. Kyle Celinder, (GV), 30.66;
2. Marcello Pantuliano, (HV), 30.85; Steve Egner, (GB), 31.29;
Others: 7. Walker Russell, (HV), 31.76; 8. Christopher Crawford,
(HV), 31.86; 10. Tyler Brundage, (NH), 32.92
Girls 6 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly - 1. Jamie Dang, (GV), 19.21; 2.
Regina Scholey, (HV), 19.86; 3. Ellen Naruse, (HV), 24.22; Others: 7.
Lauren Dean, (NH), 28.39; 8Katie Craig, (HV), 28.46; 10 Sabrina Roy,
(NH), 29.74; 17. Cassidy Carroll, (NH), 34.58
Boys 6 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly - 1. Jacob Dentici, (LF), 24.79;
2. Will Giovinazzo, (LF), 24.88; 3. Gordi Grigus, (GB), 24.98; 4.
Tommy Brooks, (HV), 25.12; 5. Brett Schisler, (HV), 25.28; 6. Jeff
Johnston, (NH), 26.30; 7. Bo St. Geme, (NH), 26.69; 8. Zach Balden,
(HV), 26.74; 9. Ian Givant, (NH), 27.09
Girls 7-8 25 Yard Butterfly - 1. Ashlyn Sacchette, (GV), 18.99; 2.
Brooke Wright, (LF), 19.07; 3. Hannah Bannan, (HV), 19.51, 4. Hollace
Barden, (NH), 19.79; 6. Delaney Pouch, (HV), 20.44; 8. Amanda
Parrill, (HV), 20.91; 10. Katie Bethel, (NH), 21.19; 15. Madison
Grant, (NH), 24.99
Boys 7-8 25 Yard Butterfly - 1. Anthony Daboub, (NH), 17.80; 2.
Daniel Hohl, (HV), 18.49, 3. Zachary Nelson, (LF), 19.00; 4. Stephen
Kipp, (NH), 19.62; 5. Nicholas Balden, (HV), 20.19; 6. Benjamin
Zepfel, (NH), 20.43; 6. Jake Bandaruk, (HV), 20.43
Girls 9-10 25 Yard Butterfly - 1. Amy Marchi, (LF), 15.65; 2.
Heather Van Hiel, (HV), 16.37; 3. Margo Money, (HV), 16.65; 4.
Chelsea Giger, (HV), 16.76; 5. Conley Kipp, (NH), 16.95; 7. Erin
McAdams, (NH), 17.89; 9. Brooke DeMiranda, (NH), 18.22
Boys 9-10 25 Yard Butterfly - 1. Cameron Henry, (LF), 14.75; 2.
Nicholas Ingram, (GV), 15.19; 3. Austin Jones, (NH), 16.41; 5. Alec
Wilson, (HV), 17.31; Others: 9. Bruce Bearer, (HV), 18.89; 10. Teddy Bandaruk, (HV), 19.08; 12. Christopher Robertson, (NH), 20.46
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly - Andrea Kalsow, (LF), 31.27; 2.
Anna Palchikoff, (NH), 31.79; 3. Sarah Hutchison, (HV), 31.89;
Others: 6. Christie Mead, (NH), 33.58; 11. Michelle Zucker, (HV),
37.21; 13. Melissa Manni, (HV), 38.27
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly - 1. Adam Gonzales, (GV), 30.38; 2.
David Linden, (NH), 31.27; 3. Adam Bandaruk, (LF), 32.59; 5. Kevin
Cox, (HV), 35.57; Others: 15. Alex Swigert, (NH), 42.90; 16. Benjamin
Noe, (HV), 43.89
Girls 13-14 50 Yard Butterfly - 1. Katie Indvik, (HV), 28.87; 2.
Ashley Chandler, (HV), 29.18; 3. Ashley Andreason, (GV), 29.98;
Others: 6. Cari Levine, (HV), 32.05; 9. Megan Spindler, (NH), 33.76;
12. Paige O’Brien, (NH), 34.65; 16. Caitlyn Czisny, (NH), 37.02
Boys 13-14 50 Yard Butterfly - 1. Ken Kitayama, (GV), 26.91; 2.
Blake Allison, (GB) 27.67; 3. Bryan Bissonette, (GB) 27.93; 4.
Marshall Tutton, (HV), 28.41; Others: 6. Dean Pospisil, (NH), 28.62;
11. Taylor Storm, (NH), 30.58; 14. Ryan Kent, (HV), 32.55; 16. Ryan
Hultman, (HV), 35.01
Girls 15-18 50 Yard Butterfly - 1. Megan Duggleby, (LF), 28.18; 2.
Lauren Powers, (NH), 28.85; 3. Stephanie Morgan, (GV), 29.69; Others:
8. Rachel Colgate, (HV), 30.84; 13. Whitney Caskey, (HV), 33.13; 15.
Lauren Indvik, (HV), 33.25; 17. Kessa Palchikoff, (NH), 42.54
Boys 15-18 50 Yard Butterfly - 1. Jake Duehring, (PS), 24.93; 2.
John Money, (HV), 26.75; 3. Ryan Moore, (HV), 26.91; Others: 5. Sean
McGhie, (HV), 27.07; 9. Tyler Brundage, (NH), 27.34
Girls 6 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke - 1. Jules Pouch, (HV), 22.70;
2. Sonia Djafri, (GV), 23.30; 3. Melissa Germundsen, (GB), 25.74;
Others: 6. Ellen Naruse, (HV), 26.95; 7. Lauren Hewitt, (NH), 27.57;
10. Katie Craig, (HV), 29.47; 12. Natalie O’Neill, (NH), 30.43; 16.
Cassidy Carroll, (NH), 32.30
Boys 6 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke - 1. Liam Karas, (HV), 24.88; 2.
Christopher Beyrooty, (HV), 24.98; 3. Steven O’Sullivan, (LF),
Others: 6. Kyle Cousens, (NH), 25.88; 7. Timmy Strader, (HV), 26.09;
9. Harrison Carter, (NH), 26.98; 10. Nolan McCarthy, (NH), 27.08
Girls 7-8 25 Yard Backstroke - 1. Niki Zak, (HV), 19.21; 2.
Stephanie May, (PS), 19.86; 3. Stephanie Strom, (GV), 20.48; 4.
Cassidy Papa, (NH), 20.89; Others: 6. Anna Venturini, (HV), 21.08; 7.
Taylor McLaughlin, (NH), 21.92; 11. Annie Flynn, (NH), 23.11; 12.
Hannah Bannan, (HV), 23.19
Boys 7-8 25 Yard Backstroke - 1. Matt Berry, (HV), 17.81; 2.
Anthony Daboub, (NH), 19.32; 3. Zachary Nelson, (LF), 20.13; 4. Matt
English, (HV), 20.39; 5. Brennan Anderson, (HV), 20.46; Others: 8.
Blake Motal, (NH), 22.53; 16. Nicholas Hanna, (NH), 24.97
Girls 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke - 1. Kelsey Larson, (HV), 35.16; 2.
Chelsea Giger, (HV), 38.38; 3. Kelly Morris, (GB), 39.09; 4. Kelli
Feeley, (HV), 39.13; Others: 6. Krista White, (NH), 41.05; 9. Erin
McAdams, (NH) 43.65; 15. Katie Matthews, (NH), 46.40
Boys 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke - 1. Russell Renteria, (LF), 35.79;
2. Colin Carroll, (GB), 36.16; 3. Andrew Hoff, (LF), 36.59; 4. David
Guibord, (HV), 37.64; Others: 7. Garrett Larson, (HV), 40.84; 10.
Emery Molnar, (HV), 42.45; 13. Christopher Robertson, (NH), 45.91;
14. Matt Livingston, (NH), 48.92
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke - 1. Katherine Kaczmarek, (NH),
33.10; 2. Sarah Hutchison, (HV), 33.20; 3. Katie Peterson, (LF),
34.88; Others: 5. Juliane Piggott, (NH), 36.00; 6. Jenna Morris,
(NH), 36.56; 11. Melissa Hohl, (HV), 39.71; 12. Annie King, (HV),
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke - 1. Patrick White, (NH), 30.09; 2.
Adam Gonzales, (GV), 32.57; 3. Shane Gardner, (PS), 34.32; Others: 5.
Chris Cottrell, (NH), 35.32; 6. Nicholas Leonard, (NH), 39.40; 11.
Scott Feeley, (HV), 41.43; 12. Andy Rovzar, (HV), 41.85; 14. Travis Prickett, (HV), 42.93
Girls 13-14 50 Yard Backstroke - 1. Ashely Chandler, (HV), 30.29;
2. Jennifer Nam, (GV), 31.54; 3. Tracey Foss, (LF), 32.36; 4. Mary
Flynn, (NH), 33.82; Others: 6. Megan Spindler (NH), 35.98; 10. Kalyn
Shah, (HV), 36.60; 12. Amy Zucker, (HV), 37.19; 17. Kessa Palchikoff,
(NH), 44.60;
Boys 13-14 50 Yard Backstroke - 1. Ken Kitayama, (GV), 28.43; 2.
Daniel Morris, (GB), 29.57; 3. Nicholas Tossey, (PS), 30.07; Others:
5. Marshall Tutton, (HV), 31.03; 6. Tom Money, (HV), 31.34; 9. Blake
Schoenberg, (HV), 32.50; 10. Taylor Storm, (NH), 32.77; 14. Kyle
Legrand, (NH), 38.67; 18. Alex Swigert, (NH), 45.00
Girls 15-18 50 Yard Backstroke - Megan Duggleby, (LF), 28.99; 2.
Rachel Arnold, (PS), 30.95; 3. Brittany Thornback, (GV), 32.54;
Others: 7. Alexa Miller, (HV), 34.51; 9. Florentine Rodenhuis, (NH),
34.80; 11. Julie Mendelson, (NH), 35.20; 15. Maggie Nelson, (HV),
37.49; 16. Whitney Caskey, (HV), 39.86; 17. Antonio Pecchia, (HV),
Boys 15-18 50 Yard Backstroke - 1. Ryan Traver, (PS), 28.18; 2.
Bryan Buhagiar, (HV), 28.30; 3. Christopher Crawford, (HV), 29.18;
11. Ryan Casserly, (HV), 32.47
Girls 7-8 50 Yard Freestyle - 1. Delaney Pouch, (HV), 36.24; 2.
Summer MacKenzie, (LF), 36.99; 3. Cassidy Papa, (NH), 37.12; Others:
8. Taylor McLaughlin, (NH), 39.93; 9. Hannah Rome, (HV), 41.57; 11.
Hannah Callas, (HV), 42.96; 15. Dana DeMiranda, (NH), 44.83
Boys 7-8 50 Yard Freestyle - 1. Matt Berry, (HV), 32.93; 2.
Zachary Nelson, (LF), 33.20; 3. John Swigert, (NH), 33.21; 4. Taylor
Epp, (NH), 36.94; 5. BrennanAnderson, (HV), 37.63; Others: 8.
Benjamin Zepfel, (NH), 39.20; 9. Daniel Hohl, (HV), 39.40
Girls 9-10 100 Yard IM - 1. Kelsey Larson, (HV), 1:16.22; 2.
Heather Van Hiel, (HV), 1:19.73; 3. Kimberly Condino, (NH), 1:23.04;
Others: 5. Faith Greiner, (NH), 1:26.83; 6. Jenny Martin, (HV),
1:27.67; 9. Conley Kipp, (NH), 1:29.51
Boys 9-10 100 Yard IM - 1. John David Marcin, (PS), 1:12.89; 2.
Cameron Henry, (LF), 1:17.02; 3. Russell Renteria, (LF), 1:17.88; 4.
David Guibord, (HV), 1:20.11; Others: 10. Emery Molnar, (HV),
1:32.49; 13. Austin Jones, (NH), 1:35.45; 15. Jeff Condino, (NH),
1:36.49; 17. HughRussell, (HV), 1:41.05
Girls 11-12 100 Yard IM - Sarah Hutchison, (HV), 1:11.47; 2.
Andrea Kalsow, (LF), 1:13.53; 3. Kasey Kipp, (NH), 1:14.52; Others: 10. Christie Mead, (NH), 1:20.65; 11. Melissa Hohl, (HV), 1:21.20;
13. Michelle Zucker, (HV), 1:24.84; 14. Kara Chatham, (NH), 1.25.11
Boys 11-12 100 Yard IM - 1. Adam Gonzales, (GV), 1:10.92; 2. Troy Edwards, (PS), 1:11.34; 3. David Linden, (NH), 1:13.52; Others: 6.
Chris Cottrell, (NH), 1:18.75; 10. Kevin Cox, (HV) 1:23.69; 11. Mike
Flynn, (NH), 1:23.84; 17. Travis Prickett, (HV), 1:36.74
Girls 13-14 100 Yard IM - 1. Katie Indvik, (HV), 1:05.50; 2.
Jennifer Nam, (GV), 1:08.40; 3. Tracy Foss, (LF), 1:10.02; Others: 5.
Mary Flynn, (NH), 1:11.14; 6. Holly Van Hiel, (HV), 1:12.18. 8.
Briana Galloway, (HV), 1:12.90; 11. Page O’Brien, (NH), 1:17.26; 13.
Emily McAdams, (NH), 1:19.51
Boys 13-14 100 Yard IM - 1. Nicholas Tossey, (PS), 1:02.88; 2. Ken
Kitayama, (GV), 1:03.01; 3.Scott Sanford, (NH), 1:05.75; Others: 9.
Dean Pospisil, (NH), 1:09.43; 10. Jacob Murphy, (HV) 1:09.70; 11.
Blake Schoenberg, (HV), 1:09.79; 12. Tyler Kent, (HV), 1:10.03
Girls 15-18 100 Yard IM - 1. Lauren Powers, (NH), 1:05.60; 2.
Erika Jorgensen, (PS), 1:09.75; 3. Lauren McAdams, (NH), 1:10.38;
Others: 13. Lauren Indvik, (HV), 1:16.15; 15. Whitney Caskey, (HV)
1:20.19; 17. Jackie Colgate, (HV), 1:26.05
Boys 15-18 100 Yard IM - Jake Duehring, (PS), 58.48; 2. Michael
Fessenden, (LF), 1:00.91; 3. Bryan Buhagiar, (HV), 1:01.63; Others: 6. Sean McGhie, (HV), 1:02.89; 8. Marcello Pantuliano, (HV), 1:03.47
Girls 6 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. HV (Carpenter,
Mackenzie, Naruse, Ellen, English, Tori, Scholey, Regina), 1:21.93’
2. GV (Dang, Jamie; Djafri, Sonia; Sanchez, Jordyn; Frankeny, Becca)
1:25.08; 3. PS (McBride, Hailey; Goodman, Samantha; May, Natalie;
Hauss, Madison)1:36.27; 5. NH (Hewitt, Lauren; Carroll, Cassidy;
Daboub, Brianna; Dean, Lauren) 1:40.50
Boys 6 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay - HV (Balden, Zachary;
Schisler, Brett; Karas, Liam; Brooks, Tommy) 1:20.38; 2. NH (Givant,
Ian ; Johnston, Jeff ; St. Geme, Bo; Cousens, Kyle) 1:23.28; 3. LF
(Dentici, Jacob; Olenicoff, Michael; McDonald, Kyle; Kwan,
Mixed 6 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. HV (King,
Kelley;Rodosky, Charlie; Hornby, Griffin; Giddings, Addison) 1:39.72;
2. PS (White, Kelly; Menke, Joe; Mills, Bianca; Hall, Lucy) 1:43.93;
3. LF (Bellamy, Mackenzie; Richard, Tyler; Boyd, Megan; Hardy, Kyle)
1:55.08; 4. NH ( O’Neill, Natalie; Roberts, Reilly; Greenlee, Brett;
Robertson, Danny) 2:01.76
Girls 7-8 100 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. HV (Pouch, Delaney;
Venturini, Anna; Carpenter, Gaby; Zak, Niki) 1:08.39; 2. GV (Strom,
Stephanie; Ekman, Chandler; Sacchette, Ashlyn; DelMonaco, Jessica)
1:09.81; 3. LF Dolphins (MacKenzie, Summer; Aguilar, Clarice; Skaggs,
Allison; Mather, Kristin) 1:11.06; 4. NH (Flynn, Annie; Grant,
Madison; Papa, Cassidy; Barden, Hollace) 1:11.54
Boys 7-8 100 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. NH (Zepfel, Benjamin; Epp,
Taylor; Daboub, Anthony; Swigert, John) 1:04.97; 2. HV (English,
Matthew; Zucker, Chip; Anderson, Brennan; Berry, Matt) 1:05.92; 3. LF
(Rankin, Max; Fuentes, Joey; Terrio, Jordan; Silcock, Eric) 1:11.23
Mixed 7-8 100 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. NH (Kipp, Stephen; Bethel,
Katie; Motal, Blake; McLaughlin, Taylor) 1:10.68; 2. HV (Griffin,
Ryan; Griffin, Shannon; McKennon, Mary; Von Der Ahe, Christopher)
1:11.70; 3. LF (Roberts, Jake; Lynch, Tayler; Bollar, Rebecca;
Dentici, Joel) 1:20.57
Girls 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. HV (Feeley, Kelli; Giger,
Chelsea; Nickel, Amanda; Berry, Kate) 2:11.47; 2. NH (McAdams, Erin;
Greiner, Faith; White, Krista; Condino, Kimberly) 2:16.78; 3. LF
(Martin, Sarah; Ellison, Brooke; Adams, Emma; Aguilar, Catherine)
Boys 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. HV ( Larson, Garrett;
Bandaruk, Teddy; Bearer, Bruce; Guibord, David) 2:16.57; 2. LF (Mac
Donald, Chad; Hoff, Andrew; Curry, Tyler; Nelson, Cameron) 2:18.22;
3. GV (Dang, Joshua; Self, David; Olive, Christian; Kalagian, Bryant)
2:26.00; Others: 5. NH (Condino, Jeff; Robertson, Christopher;
Carpenter, Miles; Livingston, Matt) 2:42.32
Mixed 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. LF (Kalsow, Shannon;
Thomas, Autumn; Raish, Logan; Derby, Ryan) 2:28.38; 2. GV
(Verschueren, Hannah; Balo, Melissa; Webber, Shelby; Frankeny,
Heather) 2:28.38; 3. HV (Russell, Hugh; Rovzar, Brittany, Baker,
Danny, Molnar, Emery) 2:29.75; 3 NH (Tolfa, Lauren; Mead, Shari;
Kaczmarek, Kelsey; Zepfel, Adina) 2:42.20
Girls 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. GV ( Nguyen, Summer;
Kitayama, Karen; Olive, Jourdan; Frankeny, Ariel) 2:01.00; 2. NH (
Hockinson, Whitney; Kipp, Kasey; Palchikoff, Anna; Kaczmarek,
Katherine) 2:03.60; Others: 6. HV (Molnar, Elise; Caskey, McKenna;
Martin, Jenny; Zucker, Michelle)
Boys 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. NH (Flynn, Mike;
Cottrell, Chris; Linden, David; White, Patrick ) 1:54.42; 2 LF
(McCartney, Kale; Russell, Ryan; Silcock, Keith; Donohue, Steven)
2:02.28; 3. PS (Marcin, John David; Gardner, Shane; Foxcroft,
Sterling; Trella, Stephen) 2:07.98; Other: 4. HV (Haly, Tyler;
Molnar, Emery; Feeley, Scott; Rovzar, Andy) 2:12.29
Mixed 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. NH (Chatham, Kara;
Kaczmarek, Leslee; Spindler, Emily; Holstein, Summer) 2:13.31; 2. GV
(Balo, Brooke; Tine, Kelsie; Verschueren, Sara; Miller, Kevin)
2:16.89; 3. HV (Noe, Benjamin; King, Annie; Galloway, Lindsey; Haly,
Spencer) 2:18.14
Girls 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. HV (Galloway, Briana;
Levine, Cari; Van Hiel, Holly; Chandler, Ashley) 1:54.00; 2. LF
(Titus, Katelyn; Gelberger, Samantha; Henry, Katy; Lamphear, Ashley)
1:57.53; 3. NH (Spindler, Megan; McAdams, Emily; Rodenhuis, Alexine;
Flynn, Mary) 1:58.78
Boys 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. GB (Morris, Daniel ;
Allison, Blake; Bissonette, Bryan; Ocepek, Evan) 1:41.70; 2. PS
(Goodman, Adam; Knight, Josh; Duehring, Zach; Edwards, Troy) 1:43.67;
3. NH (Legrand, Kyle; Storm, Taylor; Pospisil, Dean; Sanford, Scott
14) 1:46.52; 4. HV (Kent, Tyler; Money, Tom; Cox, Eric; Tutton,
Marshall) 1: 47.20.
Girls 15-18 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. LF (Todisco, Lianne;
Bandaruk, Brandy; McKenna, Kalin; Duggleby, Megan) 1:51.13; 2. NH
(Mendelson, Julie; Rodenhuis, Florentine; McAdams, Lauren Powers)
1:51.85; 3. PS (Miller Crew, Michaela; Abbascia, Kim; Gergen,
Rachell; Dickey, Kim) 1:53.34
Boys 15-18 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 1. PS (Arnold, Charles;
Duehring, Jake; Traver, Ryan; Schneider, Andrew) 1:35.75; 2. HV
(Money, John; Moore, Ryan; Crawford, Christopher; McGhie, Sean)
1:36.90; 3. GV (Nguyen, Chris; Schwartz, Brian; Marecek, Greg; Baker,
Bryce; ) 1:42.86; 6. NH (Brundage, Tyler; Leonard, Nicholas; Tomlin,
Kyle; Swigert, Alex) 2:15 11.
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