
The city of Irvine and the...

The city of Irvine and the Navy’s plans for the former El Toro

Marine Corps Air Station property are both premature and deceptive

(“Pro-airport forces blast Irvine, Navy agreement,” Thursday).

Premature, because until the lawsuit against Measure W is decided,

the zoning for that property might not be consistent with the

so-called Great Park plan.

The plan is deceptive because, just like Measure W, it does not

have concrete ways to pay for the projects without using public tax


Does Irvine really expect developers to pay top dollar for the

land they are allowed to develop and believe they will then provide

the funding and maintenance costs for an enormous public project as

well? I don’t think so. Chances are taxpayers will be asked to foot

the bill, and if they don’t there goes the elusive park plan.


Newport Beach


Bonnie O’Neil is a member of the Airport Working Group.

Great Park plans for El Toro property cannot be trusted

I think the city of Irvine and the Navy’s plans for the closed El

Toro Marine base are an affront to all citizens who will curse the

day the El Toro international airport went down in defeat.

We don’t need more housing, more retail stores or more offices to

increase the already impossible traffic situation. Nor do we need a

Great Park that will not be used by people outside of South County.

Also, the problem of the contaminated ground will require a great

amount of money to reduce the danger from this contamination. Who

will pay, if not all of Orange County, mostly those who will not get

the benefit of their tax money.

Expenses of an airport would gladly have been borne by most of us

who would have looked forward to an international airport in our

backyard. It would have taken much of the pressure off LAX, and most

likely would have paid for itself in a short time, from cargo

business and passengers from all over Orange County.

The federal government and the Navy should have used their

influence to make the airport a reality, instead of giving in to the

selfish South County zealots. I am very disappointed that the

planning for this airport was so badly handled.

I am against any plans that Irvine and the Navy conjure up, and I

am strongly in favor of overturning their plans and going for the

airport, even at this late date.


Costa Mesa
