
American Legion busy recognizing heroes

Veterans and guests celebrated freedom on July 4 with patriotic

presentations and a picnic at the Veterans Memorial hall on Legion


This free event for the public was sponsored by the American

Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).

County Sup. Cynthia Coad gave a stirring, patriotic presentation.

Walter Davis, who dressed the part in his Colonial Army uniform,

provided a brief history of the 13 Colonies.

Officers of the American Legion delivered portions of the

Declaration of Independence and other patriotic messages. A special

folding of the United States flag was conducted where a patriotic

message is presented with each fold of the flag.

After the presentations the crowd adjourned to the lawn area for

grilled hamburgers, hotdogs and salad. Everyone seemed to enjoy both

presentations and the picnic immensely. American Legion Cmd. Dave

Connell said the only thing that could have made it better would have

been to have had more children there to hear the patriotic messages.

The veterans want to especially thank Albertson’s market, Ralph’s

market, Stater Bros., Pavilion and Wild Oats for donating much of the

food for the picnic. Special thanks to John Reese of the Center Meat

Company for donating the delicious hamburgers.

Another very special patriotic event was held on July 7 when our

local veterans in the American Legion and VFW in conjunction with the

Pageant of the Masters invited disabled veterans to attend our famous

Pageant. There were 100 veterans at this annual event, many of them

disabled, from five different veterans facilities.

These veterans love this event and came a long way from the

veterans homes in Barstow and Chula Vista. They also came from VA

hospitals in San Diego, Long Beach and Loma Linda. The American

Legion and VFW treated them to a fine dinner provided at a special

price by Tivoli Terrace. After dinner they were escorted through the

art exhibits and then attended the Pageant of the Masters as guests

of the Pageant. The Pageant emcee always recognizes these special

guests and the audience gave them a nice hand for their service to

our country.

A third patriot event was held on July 12 when the Coast Highway

and beginning at Huntington Beach to its terminus at San Clemente was

dedicated at the Orange County Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway.

State Assembly Rep. Patricia Bates was the keynote speaker at this

event and the Laguna Beach American Legion Post had the honor of

providing the Color Guard for this important ceremony.

The ceremony was conducted at Sea Terrace Community Park. The

first two signs identifying the highway were installed by Caltrans;

one at the Seal Beach, Huntington Beach city line and the other at

the San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano city line. The money for the

signs was provided by veterans and supporting citizens.

Newport veterans and citizens have contributed money for similar

signs at the borders. Citizens of other cities wishing to honor their

veterans, especially those from the “forgotten war” (Korea), can send

their donations to the Orange County Veterans Service Office in Santa



American Legion Cmd.,

Laguna Beach Post 222
