
Red Flag Patrol is gaining forces

Mary A. Castillo

The Red Flag Patrol kicked off its first training session with a

diverse group of citizens with one common goal: to keep Laguna fire-safe

this summer.

“There was a high level of enthusiasm,” said David Horne, founder of

the Greater Laguna Coast Fire Safe Council. “People seemed ready.”

Battalion Chief Mark Baker of the Laguna Beach Fire Department and

Battalion Chief Dan Drake of the Orange County Fire Authority led the


“The biggest issue for the fire department was the safety of our

volunteers,” said Pat Cooper, who coordinates volunteers and training

sessions. “We won’t put anyone in a risk situation.”

Patrollers will drive through the canyon in pairs and only get out of

the car at specific viewpoints. Their job is simply to call in suspicious

behavior or fire, said Horne.

“We’re acting as extra eyes and ears for the fire department,” he


However, due to extremely dry conditions patrols may be scheduled on

days when the conditions are not quite, but close enough to Red Flag


“The Santa Ana conditions start at the end of August,” Horne said.

“We’ll be ready for patrols by Labor Day.”

The Red Flag Patrol plans to schedule another training session before

Aug. 10. The hope is to recruit as many as 50 to 60 volunteers, said


The response among the 30 volunteers at last Saturday’s training was

very enthusiastic.

“I am personally talking to my neighbors about volunteering,” said

Chris Lutz, a real estate professional who has lived in Laguna for 32

years. “I feel it’s critical to make the community aware that we have a


Lutz hopes that patrols will not only help prevent fires but also give

fire authorities time to attack before a blaze gets out of control.

Although the Red Flag Patrol won’t begin formally until August, Lutz

plans to go out and watch for illegal fireworks during the Fourth of


Among the group was Annie Olson, an eighth-grade student from


“I’m really excited about going,” said Annie, 13, who will be

patrolling with her dad, John.

Annie wants to eventually join the Laguna Beach Fire Department’s

explorer program and is considering a career as a firefighter. Her dad

gives her credit for getting them involved.

“I’m the driver and she’ll be my extra pair of eyes,” he said.

The Greater Laguna Fire Safe Council will have its next general

meeting at 9 a.m., Aug. 10 at City Hall in the council chambers, 505

Forest Ave. For information call Pat Cooper, 494-6220 or visit
