
The Moral of the Story -- Cindy Trane Christeson

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“God never promised you a Disneyland. He offers something better --

His own sustaining presence through any trouble you may encounter.”

-- Charles R. Swindoll

I’ve heard from several readers about last week’s column. For those of

you who didn’t read it, it was about the fact that as we travel through

life, we will encounter painful low points, as well as joyful highlights.

It’s great to have people to share those times with, but in any case, God

will always be there with us.

One reader wrote about the personal pain in her life and said that

though she believes in God, she has had many sad things happen to her.

After reading her e-mail, I agree that she has had more than her share of

bad situations happen. That is a very real but unfortunate part of life.

I admire that she shared that it hasn’t shaken her faith in God. In fact,

he has become more real to her, and her faith has been strengthened.

One friend talked about some of the positive benefits of some of her

recent negative circumstances. “I wouldn’t have wished this on my worst

enemy, but looking back, I can see how God has brought so much good out

of it,” she said. “I’ve learned things about myself and about God I

wouldn’t have any other way.”

Another person watching a loved one suffering was impressed with the

woman’s unwavering faith in God, even through a difficult trial. “It’s

one thing to see her faith in God be so strong when things are going

well,” she said. “But it’s another to see it stay so strong when things

are going so badly.”

I’ve talked with some other friends going through other difficult

challenges. Some have felt anger toward God, and others haven’t. I have

really appreciated hearing their true feelings. As we’ve talked further,

we’ve agreed that God can handle any and all of our feelings.

Just as close friends prefer honesty rather than a cotton candy face

and response, so too does God desire our honesty with him.God doesn’t

pull away from us when we share our anger and even when we are mad at

God, he still loves us.

Even when life is bad, God is still good. Even when we feel alone and

afraid, God is with us.

I overheard two mothers discuss taking their children to Disneyland.

“The only problem with going to ‘the happiest place on earth’ is that

afterward we have to come back to reality and go home,” one mother said.

“That’s OK. Home and reality may not be perfect, but they’re still

real,” the other answered.

I chuckled inwardly when I heard that brief conversation as I thought

about the fact that we all need to live in and deal with reality. Those

of us of a certain age recall the era when to enter Disneyland we bought

“pass books” and the tickets inside went from A, for tame rides and

events such as riding on a wagon on Main Street, to the E-ticket rides,

such as the Matterhorn.

We will all find ourselves on some unplanned “E-ticket rides” in life,

but if we ask God to join us, he’ll be with us each step of the way.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at o7

[email protected] or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505,

Newport Beach, CA 92658.
