
Putting on airs

Suzie Harrison

Fifty of the best plein air artists in the country will be coming to

Laguna Beach for the Lincoln Plein Air Painting Invitational competition

hosted by Laguna Art Museum and Laguna Plein Air Painters Assn. on July


During the seven-day invitational, the artists will be painting

throughout Laguna Beach, capturing what they see on canvas. It will

culminate with the gala Saturday night and an exhibit on Sunday, July 14.

“People can walk around town and see these painters just like you

would imagine painters painting here in the early 20th century,” said

Stuart Byer, marketing director of Laguna Art Museum.

From July 8-11, the artists will be painting at various locations,

including Main Beach at Broadway and Coast Highway, Heisler Park along

Cliff Drive and Laguna Wilderness Park off of Canyon Road.

“It’s an event I particularly like because it invigorates the whole

town,” said Bolton Colburn director of Laguna Art Museum.

From 10 a.m. to noon on Friday there will be a quick draw competition

at Heisler Park where artists have only two hours to paint a park scene.

There will be judging at the end of the event at the museum with the

winner receiving $1,000 award.

All the artwork will be sold first at the gala and then on July 14 at

the museum from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with free admission that day to enjoy

the exhibit and purchase works.

All the artists will be staying with different families in town.

New this year from 12:15 to 2:15 p.m. is the Children’s Paint Out.

Fifty fourth- and fifth-graders throughout Orange County will be able to

create their own plein air art with the teaching of professional artists.

The museum has been working with the Orange County Board of Education

to get the word out to art’s coordinators countywide. Laguna Art Museum

will supply the children easels, paints, brushes and palettes. They can

take everything home with them except the easel.

“It will be great to have fourth- and fifth-graders come to the

museum,” Byre said. “The docents offer a great educational program and

will talk about Laguna and its history, and show some slides too,” Byer


Saturday, July 13, from 6 to 10 p.m. the museum will be hosting a gala

with hors d’oeuvres, dinner and drinks. Attendees will have the first

opportunity to purchase paintings completed during the competition, and

also enjoy the awards presentation.

Limited tickets are still available for the gala, $125 for museum

members and $135 for nonmembers.

Laguna Art Museum is at 307 Cliff Drive. Tickets for the gala can be

reserved by calling 494-8971, Ext. 203 or 213. For more information about

the museum or the plein air invitational, call 494-8971.
