
Kids Talk Back

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o7 The Huntington Beach Independent went to the Boys and Girls Club

of Huntington Beach to ask kids, ‘What is your favorite book that you

have read?’


“‘Harry Potter’ is the book I like best, because it’s a beginning of a

whole series. You can keep going and going. You don’t skip anything. I’ve

read it twice.”

Michael Bielicki, 10

“‘Holes,’ because I like it a lot. Because it’s about a kid named

Stanley who has a great grandpa and he has to go to this camp because he

was accused of stealing these shoes, but he didn’t -- he found them.”

Raisa Miguel, 10

“‘Ghost Busters’ is my very favorite because there are a lot of ghosts

and cool guys. They go to different places to kill the ghosts. I am not

afraid of ghosts.”

Ben Gonzalez, 9

“‘Dragon Ballz’ is the best because it’s fighting. They shoot each

other with their hands. I have three books of them and lots of toys.

They’re funny.”

Chris Fanous, 6

“‘Don’t Eat the Teacher’ is my favorite book because it says crunch in

every word. I like the shark that eats the teacher. He’s cool and the

little fish that plays with the shark. They are friends and try to get

him not to eat the teacher.”

Frankie Merk, 7

“‘The Series of Unfortunate Events’ is my favorite book because it’s

very exciting and has a lot of hard vocabulary. It has a lot of

adventure, and I like doing vocabulary. It’s exciting and inspires you to

do more.”

Carley Gallacher, 9
