
Readers Respond -- Most residents enjoy surprise fireworks display

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I enjoyed the fireworks (“Newport fireworks display surprises

residents,” June 11). They were the best in the whole world. It was so

beautiful. I think people shouldn’t be so jumpy about earthquakes and

hurricanes and all that stuff because we hear so much of it on the news

media. This was truly a blessing it was so beautiful. Yeah, my windows

rocked and I jumped up to see what was happening, but it was worth it.


Corona del Mar

This is regarding the fireworks display on Sunday, June 9, off the

coast of Cameo Shores, where my husband and I live.

At exactly 9:50 p.m., this tremendous noise jolted us. The house and

walls literally seemed to expand and contract sharply. My next door

neighbor was away. I immediately feared that something in her house had

exploded. We ran outside to see the damages, and then saw the fireworks.

My daughter lives about a mile up Coast Highway on Marguerite Avenue.

She and her neighbors also immediately raced outside and thought

terrorists were bombing the shore, or that there was gunfire. Then they

too saw the fireworks.

My understanding is that none of us were notified of this display, and

it occurred very late at night. This is scary, thoughtless and


We all enjoy fireworks, but we want to be notified and feel they

should happen earlier in the evening. This was a very frightening

experience, not the least because of the very loud “booming” kind of

fireworks, which should be eliminated all together.

We definitely feel the city should reconsider the policy and not allow

these late night fireworks displays, particularly without any public



Corona del Mar

What a great surprise to hear the sounds on Sunday night. After going

out on my deck to determine the cause, I was thrilled to see the wondrous

and exciting display of fireworks out on the ocean. It was better than

the Newport Dunes’ Fourth of July event. Please thank the wedding

reception for sharing this spectacular event with their neighbors.

After reading the headlines of the Daily Pilot and the following

story, I am not surprised to see that some people did not enjoy this

display. Perhaps if they looked for the pleasures in life and not the

paranoia, they would not be complaining. I hope the city continues to

issue more permits for fireworks displays in the future.


Corona del Mar

I just happened to see the fireworks display from my A-frame windows

while walking downstairs to get something to eat.

I was amazed to see such a wonderful display. No, I did not think the

Taliban was attacking. But maybe a little advanced warning would be in

order during these times. Even if it is just so we can all enjoy the


I hope the nerves of a few people doesn’t stop the enjoyment of the

rest of us.

I think the city should take note on how well the barge display went

and maybe consider the same idea for the Fourth of July. As we all know,

the Newport Dunes has pulled out of a presentation this year. I would

hope the city would step in and do something to keep tradition alive.

Maybe we should contact the people who put on the display for the wedding

and see if they would do a city display. Instead of curtailing such

activities, we should put forth the effort to keep fun stuff alive. We

are supposed to live and enjoy life, not bury our heads in the sand.


Newport Beach

Instead of complaining to the Newport Beach Police Department, we

should all be reflecting on how lucky we are to live in a city where we

can be pleasantly surprised by an unexpected fireworks show. We were

startled by the noise, but a quick peek outside revealed a rare treat. We

woke up our two young children and had an impromptu show. And what a show

it was -- it beat last year’s Fourth of July display. Two days later, our

children are still asking when we can see more fireworks from our


Of course the Police Department only received complaint calls. Please

know that the other 99% of us loved every minute of it.


Corona del Mar

I, for one, would like to go on record as someone who, along with a

lot of my neighbors, were delighted to be treated to such a beautiful

fireworks display. I certainly hope that the city doesn’t buckle under to

a bunch of old fuddy duddies who must go to bed before 10 p.m. and ban

anymore such events. I can’t imagine that fireworks displays of that type

will become an everyday experience as the cost would be prohibitive for

most people.

Thank you to whoever gave us the unexpected treat. Since the Dunes has

canceled its annual Independence Day fireworks show, we should be happy

for anything we can get.


Corona del Mar

The fireworks display was wonderful -- hope there are more in the

future. Hard to comprehend how the complainers did not also enjoy.


Corona del Mar

We love fireworks and strongly support the city in continuing to grant

permits to those who would like to celebrate special occasions with

fireworks. On Sunday night, we were thrilled to see the sky light up

behind our home. Although we were only able to see the highest bursts of

pyrotechnics, we felt lucky to be part of someone’s celebration. These

displays happen so rarely and we are always excited to see them.

To those who complain about these spectacular displays, it is

unfortunate that you are not able to see the big picture and celebrate

life. Lighten up. You are being petty and jealous and instead of

complaining, you should support others as they see the joy in life.

We are currently bemoaning the fact that we will not be able to

continue our tradition of watching the Fourth of July fireworks at

Newport Dunes this year and that we will have to go outside our city to

celebrate Independence Day. We are hoping that the city of Newport Beach

will do something to replace the show at the Dunes.


Corona del Mar
