
Sounding Board -- Jean Ann Johnson

Daily Pilot Editor Tony Dodero’s June 3 column, “Anonymous critics are

just plain cowardly,” made some good points, but one of his comments

needs further clarification.

He referred to an anonymous caller who was very critical of Costa Mesa

Councilwoman Libby Cowan’s lack of support for an El Toro airport. Dodero

then put forth the argument, “The Newport Beach City Council has realized

the same thing as Cowan in regards to the county El Toro fight and has

declined to take part in any more pro-El Toro airport litigation or

funding . . . but there doesn’t seem to be much criticism of them.”

The difference is Cowan has never supported pro-El Toro efforts in

spite of the fact the city she represents will be adversely affected by

an expansion of John Wayne Airport if El Toro is not built. On the other

hand, the Newport Beach City Council has been the most vocal and

financial supporter of the new airport.

That being said, many Newport Beach residents have been privately

spewing enormous criticism of the Newport Beach City Council regarding

its recent abdication of support for El Toro concerns. Apparently, they

are under the misguided notion that by ignoring El Toro they will receive

support from South County leadership regarding their proposed new

settlement agreement for John Wayne.

In other words, Newport Beach has been bribed and gagged by South

County. If the City Council has miscalculated the support they expect to

receive from their new “friends” and/or if John Wayne Airport

significantly expands, both the Costa Mesa and Newport Beach councils’

legacies will not be ones they will enjoy. Their names will always be

associated with the most devastating failure of leadership for our


* JEAN ANN JOHNSON is a Newport Beach resident.
