

Again, something is missing from our Costa Mesa summer.

The once-annual Fish Fry did not happen for a second year in a row,

despite promises from members of the Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions


By now, the central reason for the death of the beloved, 57-year

community fair is well documented: A lawsuit filed by an Irvine woman,

who claimed she hurt her ankle when she stepped off a curb at Orange

Coast College -- the site of the 2000 Fish Fry.

The woman, Arlene Wolff, was on campus for a computer exhibit but

filed a claim that she also attended the Fish Fry. She sued OCC in 2001

for $80,000, and the college filed a cross complaint against the Lions

Club, asking the club to share in the liability.

That lawsuit is finally settled, and once again Lions Club members are

promising that the Fish Fry will be revived, back to its original form

with carnival rides and booths.

We hope this good news is true, but having heard similar assurances

before, we’re sadly skeptical. In particular, we were troubled by Lions

Club President Mike Schaefer’s acknowledgment of why this year’s event

didn’t happen: “A lot of the club members didn’t want to any kind of

planning -- and rightfully so -- until we had our lawsuit settled.”

That statement does not demonstrate the community spirit that will

revive the Fish Fry. Club members should have been doing everything

within their power to hold the Fish Fry this year, not awaiting the end

of the lawsuit.

Why not contact the City Council and ask them for help? Incredibly not

one Lions Club member has done that.

But the past is passed, and rather than dwell upon a missed

opportunity to enjoy some Icelandic cod, we urge everyone to look to next

June. Club members should work with any organization they can to ensure

the Fish Fry happens. If there are ways that city or school district

officials can help, organizers should not hesitate to seek them out.

We all enjoy the Fish Fry. We all should be involved in bringing it

back to life.
