
For a good cause -- Shirley Willard

-- Story by Lolita Harper, photo by TKTKTK

Shirley Willard dreams of the day she can drive down her tree-lined

Costa Mesa street, with dense overarching branches providing patches of

shade from the warm California sun.

“Maybe I’ve seen too many Hollywood movies, but that’s just the way a

street should feel,” Willard said. “You just feel more at peace when you

drive through those places.”

Willard is pursuing her dream by volunteering her time to ReLeaf Costa

Mesa, an organization dedicated to making the city greener. Costa Mesa

suffers from a serious lack of trees along its neighborhood streets,

Willard said.

The 66-year-old resident serves as treasurer for the group and feels

good about the large amount of good she does for a relatively small time


“It’s not like a lot of other service organizations where you feel

overwhelmed by all the work you have to put in,” Willard said. “I

dedicate maybe 10 hours a week, not counting actual tree plantings.”

It is time well spent, Willard said, especially because she can

witness ReLeaf’s budding success. The fruits of her labor are visible and

continue to grow each year, she said.

“The trees I’ve planted will be around for a long, long time,” Willard

said. “I’ll drive down Baker [Street] or Adams [Avenue] and go ‘Oh,

there’s a tree I planted.”’

Willard visits her carbon-dioxide-breathing babies to track their

progress and often takes her grandchildren to see their former saplings.

“We always go by and visit the trees we’ve planted,” she said.

She has also formed wonderful relationships with oxygen breathers.

Members of ReLeaf have a great working synergy and accomplish a lot of

work together, she said, adding that they’re also great company.

“People who are interested in trees are very nice people,” Willard


She and her colleagues at ReLeaf are always looking for new friends,

she added.

“We need some new blood,” she said.
