
Kids talk back

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o7 The Huntington Beach Independent went to Circle View Elementary

School to ask fifth-graders, ‘If you could go anywhere in the world,

where would they go and why?’


‘My Dad is a pilot so I’ve been to a lot of places. But I’d go back to

Yosemite because it’s very cool. I once got close enough to pet a deer.’

Rebecca Putt, 10

‘I would go to Sulkirk, Scotland where my Dad and my ancestors were

born. I’d like to look around. Every year during an event called Common

Riding, someone in my family waves the flag and we’ve been doing it for

six generations.’

Shaun Williamson, 11

‘I want to go to Frankfurt because they have really good hot dogs. My

Dad is from Germany and I’d also like to see the castles.’

Ellis Weaver, 11

‘I want to go to Hawaii. My uncle went for his honeymoon and they told

me about how you can swing on these vines and jump off waterfalls. It

sounds like a lot of fun.’

Breanna Adams, 11

‘I would go to Costa Rica where I heard they have pretty beaches and

rain forests.’

Hayley Lytle, 10
