
Readers Respond -- Residents will miss Dunes fireworks

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How could the Dunes do such a thing (“Fourth of July fireworks fizzle

at Dunes,” May 11)? Breaking with an American tradition just when the

country needs as much tradition as it can get.

Just last night I was at a gathering and the people there were saying

that this year because of Sept. 11, the Dunes will have an even more

spectacular display than ever. And now, nothing.

On a personal level, we live across from the Dunes and have a July 4

party just to view the fireworks. The invitations are at the printer. The

time of the display was part of the invitation.

Forget me, the Dunes is letting down Newport Beach and America in

their excuse for not being involved in the community. (It couldn’t be

that they’re planning on leaving the community and, why bother making

friends now.)


Newport Beach

Yes. We will sadly miss what has become a family tradition. A shame

that the damage claims from a few have ruined something that is enjoyed

by thousands. Thank you for the opportunity to express our



Costa Mesa

I’m a resident of Newport Beach and in fact have a boat docked at

Linda Isle. Every year my family and friends spend the Fourth cruising

the harbor and ending the day watching the glorious fireworks display at

the Dunes.

We will really miss this local tradition and would welcome any remedy

to bring back the fireworks.


Newport Beach

I’m outraged by the recent decision to cancel fireworks at the Dunes.

Apparently, in this post-Internet boom economy, the almighty dollar is

more important than patriotism and tradition.

Given the events of Sept. 11 and the fact that we still have American

troops fighting on foreign soil to keep America free from terrorism, it

is important for us to come together as a community to show our respect

for our troops and those who lost their lives.

Over the past 226 years, fireworks have come to symbolize the great

price America has paid for the freedoms that we all enjoy and the

resiliency of the American people to overcome the greatest of challenges

despite innumerable odds. Unfortunately, the current (and hopefully soon

to be departed) owners of the Dunes and the city of Newport Beach have

forgotten this.

Although some would argue that winning two out of three elections

relating to a new airport at El Toro isn’t bad, rather than jousting at

windmills, we should have been asking the city of Newport Beach to save a

few bucks for the insurance companies.


Newport Beach

Who isn’t upset about the loss of this July 4 fireworks event? There

is still time for a dramatic rescue effort. I propose funding of the cost

of liability insurance for the event by imposing a $5 surcharge on the

next month’s city water bill.

The City Council would have no objection from the community for this

action. Perhaps a few dollars more for those most impacted like owners

closer to the water. Let’s not lose this classic Newport Beach spectacle

and creatively fund the liability insurance so all may enjoy.


Newport Beach

We’re longtime residents of Costa Mesa, but we always used to go over

to the Dunes and see the fireworks. We enjoyed them so much. This year,

even though Castaways has so many homes over there, we were still

planning to go over as we were to be invited for the fireworks. Our

friends have a great big oceanview bay home, and we were all planning on

a nice fireworks celebration. We will miss this a lot.


Costa Mesa

I am very sad to see the Dunes’ fireworks go. It has been a tradition

in Orange County for 43 years. It’s part of our past that will no longer

be viable for our kids to see. The tradition will end.


Newport Beach

I was born and raised in Newport Beach -- a 1979 graduate of Newport

Harbor High School -- as well as my entire family. I’m very disappointed

about the Dunes’ fireworks. It’s really a tragedy.

I grew up with those fireworks. Everybody in this area grew up with

those fireworks. To cease them over a liability issue, there’s got to be

some sort of resolve to this I would think. It’s a loss for the city.

First, part of the boat parade -- and now this. I just think the

city’s going the wrong way. We need to remember, a lot of things that

made this city a fun place to be, and not just all about political

correctness and money. We just need to keep our traditions alive for our

kids. It’s really important.


Newport Beach

Of course I’ll miss the Fourth of July fireworks at the Dunes. It’s a

tradition. How can we have Fourth of July without fireworks? Could we

mail in donations to the Dunes to help defray the cost of their



Newport Beach
