

The Costa Mesa City Council looks to be on the right track in its plan

to ban recreational vehicles from parking on city streets.

And, oddly, the Costa Mesa RV Owners Assn. seems to be on that same

track. At Monday’s meeting, the group’s majority actually approved of a

proposed law that would restrict RVs from being parked anywhere on Costa

Mesa streets with little exception.

It came as a surprise because many RV owners loudly protested previous

city proposals that would have limited parking only on residential


The latest proposal provides a 24-hour loading and unloading period

and a 72-hour exception to anyone who asks for it, however, most pleas

probably would not be granted.

We have nothing against RVs nor their uses. They would be barrels of

fun on long-distance trips across the nation, as some of us can attest.

However, we agree with those residents who brought forth their concerns

that the monstrous vehicles provide a safety hazard for others, are

unsightly and should not be stored on public streets.

Now it’s time for the City Council to stay its course and follow the

city’s advice. Do not hesitate to pass this law. Its creator, Lt. Karl

Schuler, has expended a great deal of time and effort in creating what is

the best RV ordinance for Costa Mesa. He has now made six council meeting

appearances and should not be asked to make any more changes to the law.

Finally, we also applaud the RV owners group for supporting the city’s

direction. While its members obviously have the right to disagree with

such a law, it does help the council in its decision to do right by

everyone in the city to have their backing.

So adopt this new law and encourage police officers to enforce it.

It’s all fine and dandy to pass a law, but it’s another thing to ensure

it’s upheld.
