
AYSO Region 143 sign ups on Saturday

AYSO Region 143 will hold an “early bird” registration day for its

fall 2002 soccer season on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Village

View Elementary School in Huntington Beach.

Region 143 serves more than 1,600 children ages 4 1/2 to 19 in the Huntington Beach and Westminster areas.

Registration fee is $70 per child age eight and under, and $90 per

child ages 9 to 19. There is a $10 discount if a child chooses to

participate in the region fund-raiser.

“Soccer teaches kids so much more than athletic skills,” said Jorggi

Delaney, regional commissioner of Region 143. “We are excited to offer

kids in Huntington Beach and Westminster another great year of soccer.”

Following Saturday’s registration, the region’s next sign-up date is

June 8.

Village View School is at 5361 Sisson Dr.

For more information call 898-0448.
