
Kids Talk Back

o7 The Independent went to Hope View Elementary School to ask

fifth-graders, ‘How does your family celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?’


‘We usually wear green and sometimes we make a green breakfast. One

year we did green eggs and ham.’

Amy Russell, 10

‘Go out to eat having a big dinner. My family eats Italian food on St.

Patrick’s Day. We have carrots, salad, bread, maybe some fruit or

vegetables, meatballs and we like to have some sort of cider.’

Robert Manno, 11

‘My family wears green and we pinch people if they’re not wearing

green. I don’t pinch people I don’t know because I don’t want them to

pinch me. Sometimes I die my hair green.’

Brock Bowden, 11

‘Wear green and have sort of a big dinner. Mainly we only wear green.

We eat something not ordinary like one year we had certain kinds of


Neil Wojtkiewicz, 11

‘We dress up in green and whoever doesn’t wear green gets pinched. We

do a scavenger hunt and look for gold chocolate coins. My parents hide

the coins outside in the frontyard.’

Jalyssa Brown, 10
