
Kids Talk Back

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o7 The Independent went to Mesa View Middle School in Huntington

Beach to ask students, ‘What will you remember from the recently

completed Winter Olympics?’


‘Definitely the controversy from the judging of the figure skating.

I’ve never heard things going on that were that were that complicated

with the Winter Olympics.’

Allison Dutcher, 11, Huntington Beach

‘The speed skating when they all fell except for [Steven Bradbury] and

he won the gold. That was pretty major.’

Rachel Burdette, 13, Westminster

‘Apolo [Anton] Ohno in it because he’s really good as a short track

skater. He’s young and he inspires people. The one race he fell it was

sad, but he got up and was happy for what he got.’

Dawnise Murphy, 13, Huntington Beach

‘Jimmy Shea winning gold because three generations all did the


Caprice Thompson, 12, Huntington Beach

‘The skeleton race and the ending ceremony when the torch went out and

there were dancers and ice skating. The best part about the skeleton was

putting a camera on the guy’s head because it showed you around the whole

ring -- it was like you were doing it. It went really fast.’

Anthony Biegel, 13, Huntington Beach

‘Apolo [Anton] Ohno when he won the gold after the disqualification.

He’s one of my favorite athletes in the Olympics. It was neat to see him

win one.’

Jonathan Gibo, 13, Huntington Beach
