
Crew teams take first

SAN DIEGO - Rowers from the Newport Aquatic Center’s junior crew

teams raced to victory at the first Southern California Cup Regatta at

Telocote Shores in Mission Bay Sunday.

The varsity men’s eight of Greg Schneider, Joe Weiland, Jeff Zeiser,

Nolan Rousset, Greg Everett, Peter Sims, Brandon Dillman and Blake Lyon,

coxed by Robyn Bissonnette and coached by Rachel Rose took first place.

The men’s varsity quad of Sims, Weiland, Everett and Rousset also took

the top spot.

Another first-place finisher was the men’s junior varsity four of

Elliott Thacker, Bryan Hochwald, Chase Wheeler and Matt Siemonsma.

Varsity rower Jon Berg placed first in a single.

On the women’s side, the varsity eight of Kate Mead, Lindsey Hurban,

Shannon Packer, Lauren May, Devon McCalla, Sara Wales, Lindsay Serrins,

Jean Geddes and coxswain Lauren Lorman coached by Christy Shaver finished

ahead of the pack in first.

Another eight boat of Gabby Assayag, Lindsay Payne, Esther Lofgren,

Michelle Fickling, Mitra Grubb, Lauren Berghell, Hillary Ellis, Anne

Kircher, coxed by Lauren Lyon was a top finisher.

A third eight boat of Natalie Ekker-Stacey, Courtney Matchett, Aubrey

Farmer, Holly Fletcher, Jessica Stringfellow, Lauren Drake, Erika Gambill

and Bernadette Carroll coxed by Lorman breezed past the competition to

capture an additional first-place finish.

In the women’s novice divisions, Coach Alicia Cole’s eight boat of

Jessica Grubbs, Catie Vogeding, Amanda Molinaro, Ali Traen, Annie

Porteous, Ashley Weber, Brindey Weber, Jamie Horowitz, coxed by Aly

Raymer won its race.

Second place finishes were earned by the men’s varsity four, the men’s

varsity double, the men’s varsity lightweight eight, the men’s novice

eight, the women’s varsity four and the women’s varsity quad.

NAC will be on the road next weekend when the varsity rowers compete

in the Redwood Shores Varsity Regatta. The novice rowers will be at Lake

