
Kids Talk Back

o7 The Independent went to Sun View Elementary School in Huntington

Beach to ask fourth-graders, ‘Who was your favorite president and why?’


‘George Washington because he helped America. He made up being the

‘president’ instead of being ‘king.’ He never gave up.’

Tillan Muthama, 9, Huntington Beach

‘Abraham Lincoln because he got us a lot of rights and led the Civil


Joey McKeag, 9, Huntington Beach

‘Abraham Lincoln because he really didn’t like slavery. I guess he was

a good guy.’

Taylor Slavin, 10, Huntington Beach

‘I don’t really have a favorite. They all do the same things. They

rule this country and help command the country.’

Ryan Jorgensen, 10, Huntington Beach

‘Abraham Lincoln because he was a great man that made the south U.S.

and north U.S. free of slavery.’

Jonathan Mai, 9, Westminster
