
County housing council now accepting award nominations

Bryce Alderton

All members of the housing industry are encouraged to nominate an

individual or organization for leadership awards that will be presented

at an April luncheon.

Nonprofit group Fair Housing Council of Orange County will accept

nominations until March 8 from the housing industry for the second annual

Fair Housing Leadership Awards presented at an awards luncheon April 18.

The awards recognize organizations and individuals who have taken

positive action to promote diversity and eliminate housing discrimination

in Orange County.

The council will present awards in five categories: advertising, home

building industry, lending industry, real estate sales and rental housing


Members can nominate themselves and should submit the company name and

supportive documents that can include advertisements, marketing materials

and brochures to the Fair Housing Council of Orange County, 201 S.

Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92701.

The council also seeks sponsors for the awards luncheon to support

community outreach and educational programs that foster diversity and

eliminate discrimination.

The council was formed in 1965 in the wake of the civil rights

movement and has a 14-member volunteer board of directors and a paid

staff of 12.

It provides comprehensive community education, individual counseling,

mediation and low-cost advocacy, and handles more than 1,000 county

housing discrimination issues each year.
