
Kids Talk Back

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o7 The Independent went to Village View Elementary School in

Huntington Beach to ask fifth-graders, ‘What are you doing on Valentine’s


‘At school we’re probably going to have a party and celebrate by

switching Valentine cards.’

Annaliese Birrer, 10, Huntington Beach

‘Probably visit my grandma and grandpa that live five minutes away.

We’re going to have a barbecue and play four-square.’

Jennifer Miller, 10, Huntington Beach

‘I don’t know what I’m doing. Nothing right now, just staying home.’

Mariah Teramura, 10, Huntington Beach

‘Usually stay home and exchange gifts and candy with family. Sometimes

my parents say they don’t want anything but something will pop into mind

and we’ll get it for them. One year we got a box of these chocolates from

the Helen Grace Chocolate Shop.’

Dillon Chang, 10, Huntington Beach

‘This year I’m going to Riverside with my family for a roller hockey

tournament. My mom usually sends pictures and candy canes to all the

relatives and friends. It’s fun because you get all the extras.’

Chris Lowry, 10, Huntington Beach
