
Campbell endorses Great Park initiative

Assemblyman John Campbell has endorsed Measure W, which would pave the

way for a central park at the closed El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

Campbell, whose district includes Newport Beach, as well as Irvine and

a handful of other South County cities, has previously said he doesn’t

favor an airport at the base.

Campbell, who took over the vice chairmanship of the Budget Committee

in his first year in office, has quickly ascended to a leadership

position in the state Legislature.

The assemblyman said he isn’t convinced a Great Park will be built at

the closed base but said an airport should not be built. Campbell also

said he favors extending flight restrictions at John Wayne Airport.

Measure W, also known as the Orange County Central Park and Nature

Preserve Initiative, is set to go to a countywide vote March 5. It will

be the fourth public vote since the base was tapped by the Navy for

closure in 1993. Measure A, in 1994, put in place the aviation zoning now

at the base.
