
Putting on the hits

Paul Clinton

NEWPORT BEACH -- Having a bit of fun, two local airport activists

submitted a rebuttal argument to a countywide measure that doubles as a

cute limerick.

Dave Ellis and Richard Taylor, both members of the Airport Working

Group, submitted the rhyme as a rebuttal argument to Measure V, which

would make Orange County a general-law county.

In essence, Measure V would give voters more direct say in government

and allow voters to elect a supervisor who leaves a seat vacant to run

for higher office. The governor now appoints such replacements.

Measure V is being promoted chiefly by Supervisor Todd Spitzer, who

has announced he will run for a seat in the state Legislature.

The rhyme, which Ellis said should be hummed along to the “The Beverly

Hillbillies” tune, calls the initiative “a real career politician’s


Ellis, during a serious moment, said the limerick was a way to poke

fun at an initiative that wouldn’t add anything to the county’s political


“A bolt of lighting hit Rick Taylor and I, and we decided to have a

little fun,” Ellis said. “Generally, Rick and I don’t believe Measure V

is necessary.”

The election will be held March 5.

Measure V is also being opposed by County Treasurer John Moorlach.

Spitzer was unavailable for comment about the initiative or the


However, in the argument in favor of the initiative, Spitzer argues

that the governor should not be the one to appoint Orange County

supervisors. In 1996, after Marian Bergeson left her seat for higher

office, Gov. Pete Wilson appointed Tom Wilson to the seat.

In the argument, which appeared in the voter pamphlet, Ellis and

Taylor call the initiative “an end run around term limits -- an idea

that’s pretty hot” but also “a scam and that dog won’t trot.”
