
Reader’s Respond -- To vote a judge out of office

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The significant issues in any judicial appointment or election were

missed in the editorial of Jan. 13 that urged Costa Mesa Councilwoman

Karen Robinson to abandon her write-in candidacy for Orange County

Superior Court post No. 21 (“Robinson has a choice to make”). The

qualities that should carry weight in selection of judges are knowledge

of the law, professional achievement and judicial temperament.

Robinson argued and won three cases that were published and thence

became case law. She heads the litigation unit for the Cal State

University system, and is both an arbitrator and a pro tem judge of the

Los Angeles Superior Court. Anyone who has attended Costa Mesa City

Council meetings of the last year can attest that she is a coolheaded

beacon of reason, diligent in analyzing and clarifying complex matters.

Applying the editorial writer’s criteria of a “commitment to the

voters,” does the Pilot suggest that former Texas Gov. George W. Bush

give up the presidency and return to Austin?

Finally, what is wrong with four new faces on a City Council of five?

Rarely has a president of this country ever retained cabinet officers or

other high-ranking officials from the previous administration. Is Costa

Mesa more difficult to govern than is America?


Costa Mesa

In early December, Gay Geiser-Sandoval educated me on the reelection

lunacy that would allow Judge Ronald Kline to remain unchallenged in

office. I didn’t want that to happen. I asked Geiser-Sandoval if I could

help her collect signatures to ensure Kline’s name would be on the


Geiser-Sandoval’s team of volunteers collected 900 signatures in 10

days. We shared the collective vision that when we helped her create and

fulfill the write-in opportunity, Kline would be voted out, and we would

be admirably represented.

If Karen Robinson knew in early December that she was going to run

against Kline, she should have stepped forward to collect the signatures

to get Kline’s name on the ballot. It is Geiser-Sandoval’s passion and

leadership that compelled her to take charge and provided the opportunity

for everyone to be a write-in candidate.

It is her’s passion and leadership that this community needs now.

Robinson should serve the term of her City Council position and help this

community pull its support for this difficult, longshot race.

Fellow citizens, please educate yourself on this issue and the

write-in candidates. Now is not the time for political opportunism -- we

must have a committed leader and a new judge.


Costa Mesa
