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“Oh honey, you can’t believe the reward we get out of doing it for

people. From our church, to the person.”

-- Virginia Hawker, co-chair of the Global Concerns Committee at

Newport Harbor Lutheran Church with her husband Paul, on the volunteer

work they do.

“The troops are fanning out through the community to do what’s

necessary to defeat [the initiative]. That’s our goal.”

-- Dave Ellis, the spokesman of the Airport Working Group, on efforts

to raise $2 million to defeat an anti-El Toro measure on the March 5


“We’ll definitely be supportive of a resolution. The one as worded

needs some tuning. Hopefully, we’ll have an alternative the majority can

be supportive of.”

-- Gary Monahan, Costa Mesa City Councilman, on a resolution coming

before the council to oppose the Great Park initiative.

“Hazing is strictly prohibited on and off campus. So is distributing

alcohol to a minor.”

-- Lori Brandt, spokeswoman for UC Irvine, after the school suspended

a fraternity for the first time ever.

“But then I’m not really surprised now because the rent for that space

has got to be very, very high.”

-- Scott Stickler, a chef at the Chart House, on the closing of Aysia


“It’s the most cost-effective way to provide security at the airport.

You can only burn out people so many times.”

-- George Jaramillo, Orange County assistant sheriff, on the addition

of 106 deputies for John Wayne Airport.

“We offered them Gatorade because the kids were all hot and exhausted.

But they wouldn’t drink Gatorade because it’s not kosher. But we gave

them water, and they felt a lot better after that.”

-- Scott Broussard, Costa Mesa Fire captain, on children from a Los

Angeles Jewish Center who were rescued from a bus fire on Friday.
