
In the Spirit

CHURCH NAME: Lutheran Church of the Resurrection

ADDRESS: 9812 Hamilton Avenue

TELEPHONE: 962-5005

WEB SITE: o7 https://www.resurrectionlutheran.orgf7



SERVICE TIMES: Sunday at 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. (Japanese

language); Sunday School for Kindergarten through Junior High School

meets concurrent with the 10 a.m. service.

SENIOR PASTOR: Carl Zimmermann

PASTORAL STAFF: Katie Baardseth, associate pastor; Ikuo Takatsuka,

pastor; Erik Bieger, praise team leader.


MAKEUP OF CONGREGATION: Most members reside in south Huntington Beach

CHILD CARE: Provided for Sunday services

TYPE OF WORSHIP: The 8:30 a.m. Sunday service is traditional, using

the Lutheran Book of Worship. It has choir and organ music. The 10 a.m.

Sunday service is contemporary and informal. A praise band provides

music. The 11:30 a.m. Japanese language service is traditional, with

choir and organ music.

TYPE OF SERMON: Sermons are thematic and often part of a series. The

style is informal and conversational.

UPCOMING SERMON SERIES: “The One-Anothers” series will focus on topics

such as how to encourage one another, how to honor one another, how to

forgive one another and how to be at peace with one another.

DRESS: Casual, everything from suits to shorts.

VISITOR INFORMATION/HOSPITALITY: Members and visitors alike are asked

to fill out a worship card. Visitors are called the next day. They also

receive a welcome letter and church brochure.

CHURCH PROGRAMS: Bible studies are held on Monday morning at 10:30

a.m. and on Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. A high school youth group meets

on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. and junior high school students meet once

a month on a schedule to be announced in conjunction with confirmation

classes offered to that age group.

OUTREACH PROGRAMS: During the year the congregation participates in a

number of ecumenical services with the neighboring congregations of Sts.

Simon and Jude Catholic Church, St. Wilfrid’s Episcopal Church, Christ

Presbyterian Church and Fountain Valley United Methodist Church. The

rabbi from Congregation B’Nai Tzedek Reform synagogue has recently begun

to join them as well. The church is planning a building project in Mexico

during 2002 to provide sound housing to those currently living in flimsy

quarters. The congregation’s youth have also participated in Habitat for

Humanity projects. The congregation provided five scholarships to women

in Project Self-Sufficiency this year. The church supports a mission

congregation in Ramona. The youth are active helpers with the Loaves and

Fishes food program in Costa Mesa. Twice a year the congregation hosts

Alpha, a series of 15 lively seminars that present the basics of

Christian beliefs, faith and living. They include talks, video taped

presentations, discussion and dinner.

CHURCH BUILDING: Mission-style architecture. The church has recently

seen a number of renovations, including the installation of new

stained-glass windows. In January the church hopes to start construction

of a joint multipurpose building and Japanese library and archive. The

library and archive will house religious and cultural books and art.

MISSION STATEMENT: Reading, praising, growing and serving

INTERESTING NOTES: Associate pastor Katie Baardseth will be leaving

the church on Jan. 13 after serving there for three years. The church is

home to the “Pedal Pushers,” a group of 30 to 40 Lutherans and friends

who help decorate Rose Parade floats each year.
