
Kids talk back

o7 The Independent went to Seacliff Elementary School in Huntington

Beach to ask children, ‘What is/are your New Year’s Resolution(s)?’f7

‘I want to work hard on physical therapy to get feeling and bending

back in my leg, to get it back to work again to be able to walk and play


Will Koon, 10

‘Become a better typist on the computer because next year I will be

having lots of word processing reports. Being a better typer will help me

succeed in the future.’

Farrah Powell, 10

‘Care for my family more, have responsibility of my animals and help

my mom with the dishes. I’m going to work on not asking people to do

things for me, I’m going to do stuff for myself.’

Saisha Patel, 10

‘Try to read to my little sister for 20 minutes.”

Celeste Bountour,’ 8

‘Pick up trash on the beach if I see it, [I] won’t hurt my little

brother and eat more vegetables.’

Alexander Schaffner, 8
