

Ann Stern comes from a family of educators who have made helping

people somewhat of a family tradition.

Stern, 57, isn’t a teacher, but as a longtime volunteer for the

Newport Beach chapter of the Lion’s Club, she does her part to help.

Her late husband volunteered with the club for 30 years, at one point

serving as the district governor for the club.

“He was very instrumental in helping exchange students,” said Stern, a

Newport Beach resident. “The Lions send their children and then we have

students come from all over the world to stay here and learn about the

American way of life.”

Continuing his volunteer legacy, Stern donates her time helping

support the South Coast Children’s Society and the Senior Center at

Corona del Mar.

“Along with the national things the Lion’s Club does,” she said. “They

help the blind and we have trucks that go out and do hearing tests.”

This past Christmas, Stern helped put on a party the Thursday before

Christmas for about 65 boys taken away from their families by the court

system and brought to the South Coast Children’s Society.

“My role was getting the toys together and making calls to make sure

people showed up,” Stern said.

Every year, Stern and her fellow Lion’s Club members help with the

Fish Fry in Costa Mesa, though the event wasn’t held last year.

“And we help get money so we can continue on,” she said.

Through See’s Candies fund-raisers, student speakers contests and

other moneymaking events, Stern helps the club maintain funds.

“I’m not a teacher, but I still like to help,” she said.

The student speaker contests have actually grown to be somewhat of a

big deal. Winners from the local level move on to the district level and,

eventually, onto the national competition.

Stern, who is the vice president of investor relations for a new

start-up company, also sits on other charity boards, including the

National Conference for Community and Justice.

-- Story by Young Chang, photo by
