
Newport Heights gets a little holiday cheer

Deirdre Newman

The sounds of “A White Christmas” resonated through the air in Newport

Heights on Saturday as the mercury shot up to a balmy 75 degrees.

But organizers said that didn’t dampen the spirits of more than 300

residents who showed up at Cliff Drive Park for the first annual Santa in

the Park.

The get-together was a chance to create some camaraderie among the

members of the fledgling Newport Heights Community Association, which

includes social, traffic and planning committees.

“It’s nice just to have fun and enjoy the day and socialize,” said Pat

Gantos, who came with his wife and two daughters.

The neighborhood used to have a social event in December -- but that

was 20 years ago, said Tammy Matsunami, Santa in the Park co-organizer.

Since there are a lot of families with young children in the

neighborhood, Matsunami thought it would be beneficial for everyone to


Hula hoops, face-painting and balloon-making were just some of the

activities entertaining the kids while the parents mingled. Santa also

made a guest appearance to the delight of the kids and the kids-at-heart.

Brian Conlin, whose family moved to the area from Seattle, said he

relished the opportunity to meet other parents beyond his immediate


“All we usually meet are the people who live very close to us,” said

Conlin, who has two daughters.

While the get-together was the first event put on by the social

committee, the traffic committee has already been hard at work looking at

ways to slow down traffic in the neighborhood. Because the area is

surrounded by commercial properties on all four quadrants and because the

lights aren’t timed on Newport Boulevard, many drivers tend to cut

through the Newport Heights area, said Mardi McKinley.

“This area has such a neighborhood feel and we’re trying to maintain

that,” McKinley said.

The association is also looking to support a City Council candidate

who is receptive to the residents’ concerns when Norma Glover is termed

out next November.
