
Mailbag - Dec. 6, 2001

Thank you for your attention to the issue of building a pro-humane

shelter in Huntington Beach. My question to the City Council is why

wouldn’t you want to keep taxpayers’ money in Huntington Beach?

Save Our Strays has indeed shown the council how practical and

possible it would be to operate a pro-humane shelter for the same cost

it’s paying the county with the examples from Irvine and Mission Viejo.

In addition, the shelter would be much more than just a holding tank

for strays. Save Our Strays plans to provide pro-humane education to the

community as well as low-cost spaying and neutering services,

microchipping, foster care and immunization services.

So I am asking the City Council to see the “bigger picture” that has

already been provided and see that a pro-humane shelter in Huntington is

quite feasible as well as a highly desired service by the community.


Huntington Beach

Who’s minding the store if we don’t?

Recently I received an anti-rent control mailing which, in addition to

banning rent control, decried the sewer fee imposed by the City Council a

short while ago.

Since reading this mail-out, I have been wondering who these people

think will take care of the sewer system if we do not.


Huntington Beach
