
Letter to the Editor -- Jane Lyons

This letter is in reply to “Rodman faces a jury of Newport-Mesa peers”

(Readers Respond, Nov. 1). I don’t live in Newport Beach anymore, but I

did grow up in that community and periodically have a chance to read this

paper. From the news that I receive it certainly doesn’t seem that Dennis

Rodman has been a positive addition to the community. The Newport area

has grown and changed a lot in the 20 years that I have been gone, but it

is still a great place to raise a family or just to vacation in (which is

what we do).

Why does this new resident feel that he is special or exempt from

positive behavior in your community? In my opinion, he is not a role

model for the kids in town, or mine, but is an example of an athlete who

has abused his notoriety and instead become a problem for the community.

Which brings me to the letter’s author, Brian Theriot, and has me

wondering why he would “liken himself” to Dennis Rodman. He seems to be

proud of both his DUI and a head-butting charge. Then he goes on to say

that he “loves his community and helping kids.” I don’t have a PhD, but

there seems to be some confusion with priorities here. Some people never

seem to outgrow their high school insecurities. These are the true

“impact players.”

Everyone has an obligation to take good care of their family,

community, and to be a responsible and helpful citizen, not an “impact”

community member. Negative displays (impact) of ego to shake things up

are not good for a town or for the caring people who live there and are

trying to raise good citizens. Lastly, I hope that this man doesn’t brag

about Rodman’s criminal charges in front of his children.

Please keep Newport a great place to visit.


Vail, Colo.
