
Crew: Junior crew teams win

LONG BEACH - Rowers from the Newport Aquatic Center’s junior crew

teams raced to victory at the Long Beach Christmas Regetta Sunday.

The varsity men’s “A” eight team of Bryan Hochwald, Elliott Thacker,

Warren Shaeffer, Nolan Rousset, Jeff Zeiser, Curtis Cook, Greg Everett,

Blake Lyon and coxswain Nick Troop, coached by Rachel Rose, took home the

gold in the 900-meter sprint.

Also taking first place was the varsity men’s squad of Peter Sims,

Graham Brant-Zawadzki, Shaeffer and Roussett.

The varsity women’s “A” eight of Hillary Ellis, Lindsay Serrins,

Shannon Packer, Michelle Fickling, Lindsey Hurban, Lauren May, Anne

Kircher, Jean Geddes and coxswain Lauren Lyon, coached by Christy Shaver,

won first place while the women’s varsity four of Hurban, May, Packer,

Geddes and coxswain Lauren Lorman also took home the gold.

The men’s novice eight of Ken Ito, Morgan Sabo, Greg Murray, Mike

Dabney, Arik Brown, Fred Fuga, Brandon Ferrigno, Blake Foster and

coxswain Kevin Alison, coached by Jon Barrett, took the top spot with a

first place win.

The women’s novice eight of Jessica Fritz, Corinne Turner, Meredith

Irby, Katie Cole, Amanda Molinaro, Meggan Brunette, Dana Hunt, Jamie

Horowitz and coxswain Kyley Dill, coached by Alicia Cole, placed second.

Also placing second were the men’s varsity eight “B” boat, the men’s

varsity four and a men’s varsity double. In addition, the men’s novice

squad and novice four finished second. In the varsity women’s division,

one of the doubles took second along with the women’s squad while Lindsey

Hurban finished second in a single.
