
Kids talk back

o7 The Independent visited Vista View Middle School and asked

eighth-graders, “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”


“Stay home with my family. My grandparents are going to come and we’re

going to eat a lot.”

Jessica Stone, 13

“I’m going to my grandma’s house in Santa Ana. All of my relatives

will be there like my aunts and uncles, their friends and neighbors. My

grandma will do the cooking.”

Rachel Varle, 13

“My mom is having relatives and family over to have dinner. My mom is

going to cook the turkey.”

Kieu Nguyen, 13

“I’m going to my grandparents’ house in Westminster to eat with 10


Scott Underwood, 13

“We’re having a really big dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, corn

and peas. Both my mom and dad will do some cooking and my uncle will eat

with us.”

Daniel Zawicki, 13
