
Mailbag - Nov. 15, 2001

I think the Coastal Commission should approve the restoration plan for

Bolsa Chica. Bolsa Chica should be protected and should not be

commercially made into new homes. We need to save that area more than we

need more homes.


Huntington Beach

Football game not the best experience

I will never go to another Edison High School football game again.

We decided to take our two kids to the Edison vs. Fountain Valley

football game on Nov. 9.

Upon arrival we discovered Edison had over sold thousands of tickets.

There was no place to watch the game. Every conceivable speck of dirt was

already taken. This overcrowding led to people in the aisles, which was a

major public safety hazard. It took us 30 minutes to push our way through

the crowd just to get to the other side of the grandstand. Once there, we

were told we could watch the game on the side of the grandstand.

From here we could not see anything. We might as well have been in the

parking lot.

Because of the overselling of tickets, we were told by attendants we

could get our money back.

We were escorted outside by a Huntington Beach Union High School

District police officer, only to be told that the box office was closed,

the money was gone and no refunds could be given as there was no money

for refunds. We were now outside the gate, could not get back in and had

no proof we were ever inside. Outside the gate with us, there were at

least 200 people, who had tickets but were not being let in because of

the dangerous, overcrowded conditions.

This event has been put on for over 20 years. Officials knew, or

should have known they sold an absurd amount of tickets for the available


How can these educators not understand that the number of tickets sold

must equal the number of seats available?

The behavior of school officials will not go unanswered. Responsible

people will be located and will be held accountable.

What my children learned from this school-sanctioned event:

1. Dad will never take them to another Edison football game.

2. School fund-raising is more important than the public safety of


3. Schools will use any method to raise money.

4. School officials are not responsible for school-sanctioned events.

It is the duty of the public to ensure school officials be held

accountable. It is the duty of school officials to ensure this never

happens again.

Norm Westwell

Huntington Beach
