
Mailbag - Nov. 15, 2001

Newport Harbor band display very distasteful

As an alumna of Newport Harbor High School who lives out of the area,

I was so excited to drive by and see Newport Harbor playing football at

home Friday night. I decided to scratch my plans and support my alma


It was so exciting. I saw friends from high school, mentors from days

past (Mr. Princeotto) and incredible “Sailor Pride.” I found myself

cheering again like I did back in the day. The cheerleaders were classy,

football players hard-working, and the band members looked great in their

new uniforms. I was truly proud to be a graduate of Newport Harbor.

However, I was shocked and ashamed when the Confederate flag was

brought out as a prop for the band’s halftime show. I hung my head in

disbelief that my school was displaying such a negative symbol. In light

of the events of the past few months, our country has grown so strong and

full of pride, and I felt that the use of that flag was incredibly tacky

and distasteful. Not to mention the fact that the team (Westchester High

School) we were playing was primarily, if not completely, African


Somebody missed something, and unfortunately it reflects on so much

more than a halftime show. It reflects on the class of Newport Harbor

High School and, for once in my life, I was sad to be a Sailor. Maybe

next time we can be a little more thoughtful about the messages we send

about our “Sailor Pride.”



* EDITOR’S NOTE: Jodi de Boom is a 1996 Newport Harbor High graduate.

Newport Beach was too hard on Rodman

Newport Beach is giving Rodman an unnecessarily hard time. I don’t

think he should have to go to jail for making noise as long as he paid

the fine. There are lots of other wealthy people there that break the law

just as much (hello, Design Review, City Council, Balboa Bay Club, etc.),

but they just do it quietly.


Laguna Beach
