
Commission will tackle Home Ranch housing tonight

Lolita Harper

COSTA MESA -- Just when the Planning Commission thought it was through

with the Home Ranch project, it’ll resurface on tonight’s agenda.

Commissioner Bruce Garlich said he and his colleagues received a

letter from the city attorney suggesting the panel review any proposed

changes to the project, specifically the housing modification

Councilwoman Linda Dixon has recommended. Garlich said he thought the

city was erring on the side of caution to ensure all steps are followed

in case of legal action.

Commissioner Eleanor Egan said she would not be prepared to make a

recommendation without more information. She said she understands the

need for a speedy process but added that the staff reports did not

include enough details to make an educated decision.

“I’ve spent three months of my life studying all the analysis and

reports for the project, and now I’m supposed to vote on a new proposal

without the full information? That doesn’t make sense,” Egan said.

Chairwoman Katrina Foley and Garlich said they agreed the report was

not complete but said they were eager to see what additional information

staff, the developers and consultants would present during the meeting.

“We’ll just have to see what’s there and if it’s enough to make a

decision,” Garlich said.

During the Nov. 5 meeting, Councilwoman Linda Dixon asked Paul

Freeman, the spokesman for C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, if the developer would

be willing to add more housing to the project and move the current

industrial site farther south.

Freeman said Dixon’s scenario was plausible as long as the details can

be worked out quickly and a decision can still be made this month.

If altered, the new proposal would accommodate 12 homes per acre on

the parcel of lima bean farm that backs up to the Los Angeles Times

building and is bordered by Susan Street, South Coast Drive and Sunflower

Avenue, Freeman said.

Planning Manager Mike Robinson said Friday that he and his colleagues

were busy running new traffic models and noise studies to get detailed

reports ready by Nov. 19, but he added that only general information

would be given tonight.

Foley said she commended Dixon for looking at every possible

alternative but was concerned with placing housing behind the Times

building because of the noise from the printing presses.

“I support Councilwoman Dixon in her efforts to make sure she’s looked

at all the possibilities, even if it turns out it is not supported,”

Foley said.

Egan said she would be willing to hold a special meeting to make a

decision by Nov. 19 but does not want to be rushed into voting before she

feels comfortable.

Although the general meeting starts at 6:30 p.m., discussion of the

Home Ranch project will begin after 8:15 p.m. to allow staff, the

Segerstroms and others who are interested to drive to the Downtown

Recreation Center after the conflicting council meeting, which will begin

at 5:30 p.m., Foley said.


* WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting

* WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today

* WHERE: Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa

* INFORMATION: (714) 754-5245
