
In the Spirit

Michele Marr

ADDRESS: 8200 Ellis Ave. (at Chapel and Ellis, just east of Beach and

Ellis) Directions and a map are available at the church’s Web site.

TELEPHONE: (714) 962-5571



DENOMINATION: The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod


SERVICE TIMES: 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday; Sunday school and Bible

classes meet at 10 a.m.

UPCOMING SPECIAL SERVICES: Thanksgiving Service, 7 p.m. Wednesday,

Nov. 21; Preschool Christmas Pageant, Wednesday, Dec. 5; Advent Service

with Chancel Choir cantata, “Prophecies and Promises” -- Zabel, 7 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 12; Sunday School Children’s Pageant, Wednesday, Dec. 19;

Christmas Eve Services, Monday, Dec. 24, Family Service of Christmas

Carols at 7 p.m., Chancel Choir cantata, “The Christmas Story According

to Luke” -- Roger Wagner, at 11 p.m. The Chancel Choir, directed by

organist and pianist Priscilla Silver, has sung at the National Cathedral

in Washington D.C., the Strasburg Cathedral in Europe and Carnegie Hall.

Silver has served as pianist for the choir of renowned composer John


SENIOR PASTOR: Timothy O. Krieger

PASTORAL STAFF: David Rueter, Director of Christian Education;

Priscilla Silver, Director of Music; Eric Matheson, Celebration Team



MAKEUP OF CONGREGATION: Mostly white, middle class men, women and


CHILD CARE: Child care is available at all worship services and


TYPE OF WORSHIP: The 8:30 a.m. service is a traditional Lutheran

liturgy from the “Lutheran Book of Worship.” The 11 a.m. Celebration

Service is a service of contemporary praise choruses and worship songs.

Holy Communion is every Sunday.

TYPE OF SERMON: Expository preaching, in series.

RECENT SERMON: “The Adventure of Faith” addressed the idea: Religious

or not, every human being lives by faith of some sort -- faith in

something or someone.

DRESS: Typically California casual. A number of people also dress in

“church clothes” or business dress.

VISITOR HOSPITALITY: Members of the church who enjoy greeting guests

station themselves at the front door of the church to welcome those who

are visiting. Guests are given an information packet designed to give

them a good idea of the nature of the congregation, its beliefs and


CHURCH PROGRAMS: Among the programs available to church members and

guests are: Sunday school and adult Christian education, as well as

Vacation Bible School in the summer and Confirmation classes during the

year; a Music Ministry that includes the Chancel Choir, Men of Faith and

Women of Faith small choruses, Faith’s Angels for children in grades 1-6

and the Praise Team; a drama ministry for grade school through adult

members; a Health Ministry that provides health tips for the congregation

and assistance when needed for those who are ill or injured; a Women’s

Ministry that includes fellowship luncheons, Bible studies, missions

projects and outreach opportunities.

OUTREACH PROGRAMS: The congregation funds overseas ministries. Members

hold a regular service (and have for more than 20 years) at Parkhurst

Retirement Center, serving this multidenominational congregation of

residents. Once a month, Krieger gives a message and provides Holy

Communion for those who wish to receive it. Punch, cookies and

much-needed fellowship are shared after the service. Members sponsor the

Chino Prison Ministry, held once a month at Chino Institute for

Correction. A team of several denominations, including Faith Lutheran

members, holds a service for the inmates that includes singing, sharing

of faith and God’s work the lives of the inmates, a message from

scripture and individual prayer time. At Christmas time, the church holds

a drive to provide Christmas gifts to the children and families of

prisoners. The congregation participates in S.H.I.P., Self-Help

Interfaith Program, for homeless who are capable of reentering full time

employment. Members also provide food for those in need through the

Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry Harvest Tree Food Drive. The

congregation is currently organizing to be a work party for Habitat for


CHURCH BUILDING: 1960s modern, yet it encompasses many traditional

architectural features in its sanctuary, such as its ceiling and its

numerous custom-designed stained glass windows and baptismal font.

MISSION STATEMENT: “A Christ-centered community dedicated to

worshiping God, growing in the knowledge of the Lord in order to equip

disciples to share God’s love and grace.”

INTERESTING NOTE: The congregation has recently been working with a

Vietnamese American who is interested in starting a church and who needs

a place to hold worship services. The congregation hopes to begin the

service for Vietnamese Americans beginning next year, once they secure

the intention of their General Assembly to do so.

-- Compiled by Michele Marr
