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Andrew Harrelson, 8, of Huntington Beach, won a bronze medal for his

eating skills in the Championship Watermelon Eating Contest at the

Endless Summer Classic Car Show and Elvis Fest at the Orange County

Market Place in Costa Mesa. . . . Huntington Beach residents Barbara

Purks, Bill Saska, Norma Salgado, Denise Dangora, Cindy Loomer, Barbara

Swanson, Tina Medina, Janine McMillion and Ken Dittmer were named to the

committee of the 10th anniversary Komen Orange County Race for the Cure.

The fund-raiser will take place Sept. 23 at Fashion Island. . . . Jason

Lahmani received a doctorate of Dental Surgery degree in June from the

University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in San Francisco. Lahmani

attended Edison High School and graduated from UC San Diego. He is the

son of David Lahmani and Marion Solotoff. . . . Army Pvt. Nicholas A.

Hayes has graduated from the light-wheeled vehicle mechanic advanced

individual training course at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. Hayes is a

graduate of Marina High School and the son of Lois and David Hayes of

Huntington Beach. . . . Army Spec. Nicholas Pedroza has graduated from

the U.S. Army Primary Leadership Development Course at Schofield

Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii. Pedroza is the son of Marina Saravia of Las Vegas

and Richard Pedroza of Huntington Beach. . . . Navy Seaman Apprentice Soo

M. Park recently reported for duty at Naval Hospital Corps School. He is

the son of Young-Nam and Jae-Wong Park Huntington Beach. Park is a 2000

graduate of Ocean View High School. . . . Steven Duran was named the new

district manager of Vector Marketing Corporation’s Huntington Beach

office. Duran joined Vector as a sales representative in 1998 and has

served as an assistant manager and field sales manager. . . . Huntington

Beach residents Stephanie Hendricker and Rebecca Sansom graduated from

Boston University. Hendricker received a bachelor’s degree in

communication disorders and Sansom received a bachelor’s degree in

chemistry.* NEIGHBORS is news about movers and shakers in your community.

To submit information to this feature please send it to the Independent,

Attn.: Neighbors, 18682 Beach Blvd., Suite 160, Huntington Beach, CA

92648, fax it to 965-7174 or e-mail it to o7 [email protected] .
